how do i mass check uniqueness of spun articles?


Registered Member
May 15, 2009
Reaction score

well got a new job and I am known for doing my jobs well. So I make about 20 rewrites using PAR and do very good changes.

So now how can I mass check all 20 how unique they are to each other? I tried the free spun article checker on dupecop but it has a maximum of 4 articles and I won't buy their desktop tool, yet.

Any good ideas would be appreciated!
Hmmm, I'm not aware of any tools that will mass check your dupe percentages and I can't really remember anyone posting up about anything like that either.

You can always use DupefreePRO but it doesn't check them in mass.

this is somehow strange. I tried dupefree pro and i am about 80% unique. The same articles on dupecop spun only gives me around 50%.

I am using par and take my time. Then I save 50 articles from PAR. Somehow it's impossible to check all articles and which finally to submit on directories.