'How Do I Make My Thread Title Bold?'


Staff member
Executive VIP
Aug 31, 2013
Reaction score
There are so many sellers who ask me to make their thread title bold that I figured this question deserved its very own thread.

The short answer is that a bold title is not what you think it is, nor can you just make it bold. In fact, the only reason your thread title would not be bold is because you've already clicked on the thread as a logged-in user (this functionality does not apply to logged-out or incognito users). Therefore, the forum has marked the thread as 'read' on your account, thus changing the thread title back to a normal typeface.

As an example, take a look at this thread:
You may be thinking, 'Sweet, he's got a thread bold title. Dude must be raking in all the visitors and monies. I NEED THIS'. However, if you hover over the link, you'll note that the web address ends in '/unread'. So, when you click on the thread link, read the thread, and go back to the subforum, you'll see...

... that the thread title is no longer bold. This is because the forum has registered that you've read the new posts in it.

There you go, mystery solved.

However, since we're on the topic of bold titles, you may have noticed that some titles in the Main Forum List appear as bold. There's a reason for this: when logged in you will see any sub-forums with new threads you've yet to visit appear in bold.

To mark the SUB-FORUM as read, you'll need to be logged in and visit just one of the unread THREADS in that forum. Note that you need to actually visit one of the new threads, not just the forum, for it to identify that you've read the new THREADS in that sub-forum. That forum will then drop the bold and appear as usual.

HelpDesk article: https://support.blackhatworld.com/s...001243578-how-do-i-make-my-thread-title-bold-
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i was about to ask that LOL , thanks , usefull thread .
Answer can only be mod menus!
I think it's a good thing to make it bold @Yes , it makes the thread a little bit more "evident" than the others.

But @Yes the problem is that everyone will be doing this soon and after that they will all be bold.
There are so many sellers who ask me to make their thread title bold that I figured this question deserved its very own thread.

The short answer is that a bold title is not what you think it is, nor can you just make it bold. In fact, the only reason your thread title would not be bold is because you've already clicked on the thread. Therefore, the forum has marked the thread as 'read' on your account, thus changing the thread title back to a normal typeface.

As an example, take a look at this thread
You may be thinking, 'Sweet, he's got a thread bold title. Dude must be raking in all the visitors and monies. I NEED THIS'. However, if you hover over the link, you'll note that the web address ends in '/unread'. So, when you click on the thread link, read the thread, and go back to the subforum, you'll see...

... that the thread title is no longer bold. This is because the forum has registered that you've read the new posts in it.

There you go, mystery solved.
Hah --- this is hilarious -- im just imagining some nefarious tutorial/method creator cursing the loss in sales from his Post Pop Method -- thankyou Zwie shining light on this mystery for real