How can I make my emails nicer


Aug 23, 2020
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I need to make my emails look nicer but have no idea where to start or what the hell I'm doing. I'm using Gmail, not my own email client as the ones I found are like $12 a month and every time I used my own email client in the past I've run into problems like spam folder. Here's a example of what an average email from me looks like;
I removed every reference to my service which is why so much is blurred out. I do not want to get banned from BHW for something stupid like that. Yes, this was sent to a real client.

Are there any services you would recommend that make emails look nice and more professional? Mine are just always walls of text and it pisses me off. Look at the email below, how did they make it so nice?!?
I'm pretty sure you can use HTML formatting with CSS for sending emails?
google statdia is dead on arrival they cant even give
it away, ide find something else to play
Yea Stadia sucks they dont let you use your own library like geforce now. But could someone please direct me to a service or something that lets me make emails like a website creator? Something probably exists
Keep it short & precise. Never even bother to elaborate your concern firsthand. Add a link to your website and showcase your works there.
Make a disposable email. Signup to as many as possible websites, starting with the top ones, then, copy their HTML code, and make it as you wish. Inline CSS. Don't use SVGs and images.