How can i make money with Google Ads

what you get out of it should be more than what you spend, look for any item which has sales more, and join that store affiliate, but look at their payment terms before joining, some pay after 30 days like that, be choosy on immediate payments, withdraw like that after earn, or some programs pay per view or impression or clicks too... just buy n sell
what you get out of it should be more than what you spend, look for any item which has sales more, and join that store affiliate, but look at their payment terms before joining, some pay after 30 days like that, be choosy on immediate payments, withdraw like that after earn, or some programs pay per view or impression or clicks too... just buy n sell
some examples brother?
There are many ways.. first you need to find a niche and then build a funnel, thats the way to go
It would be easier to answer how you cannot make money with google ads.
1. Find a profitable offer
2. Create good ads for that offer and publish them on Google ads
3. Profit. (If you don’t have profit, repeat the first two steps.)
Create a website or blog.
Sign up for Google AdSense.
Place ads on your site.
Drive traffic to your site.
Earn money from ad clicks and views.