How Can I Make GOOD money with these pages?

Aqua Skyes

Oct 21, 2016
Reaction score
Other than selling the pages, what is a good way to make money with these pages?
Like I've tried MyLikes, my payment was $30..
I can't link things because I don't have 15 posts yet, but I have a facebook page called, "SnapChat Feels" with about 240k likes, and I have another page called, "Yes, Daddy." with 26k likes.

The first picture here is the insights of, "SnapChat Feels"
The second one is the insights of, "Yes, Daddy."

Both of these pages have been grown all organically, never paid for an ad once, never paid for shoutouts.

I do own both of these pages, and I've tried MyLikes on SnapChat Feels and I can't really make money on there, I have friends who makes hundreds weekly using that site and I couldn't seem to grasp how when I got my first payment today of only $30.


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Hi, I think you can promote some offers.
Join a network and find some right offers to run.
Hope this help.
Other than selling the pages, what is a good way to make money with these pages?
Like I've tried MyLikes, my payment was $30..
I can't link things because I don't have 15 posts yet, but I have a facebook page called, "SnapChat Feels" with about 240k likes, and I have another page called, "Yes, Daddy." with 26k likes.

The first picture here is the insights of, "SnapChat Feels"
The second one is the insights of, "Yes, Daddy."

Both of these pages have been grown all organically, never paid for an ad once, never paid for shoutouts.

I do own both of these pages, and I've tried MyLikes on SnapChat Feels and I can't really make money on there, I have friends who makes hundreds weekly using that site and I couldn't seem to grasp how when I got my first payment today of only $30.
KEEP HUSLIN YOU WILL ALSO START MAKING 100s everyweek (ops caps)

Can you advice me some network?
I don't know what kind of offers you need.
There are many network listed in the network dictionary and you can check.
I'm currently with Laser Media for some mobile content offers.
sorry for my dumb question, im still looking a mentor of making money online ^_^
Try making website and put affiliate on your traffic from pages
You can start sharing website links for $$$... I am interested if you are interstes PM
The fact that I made this last Friday and SnapChat Feels already has 248k likes and Yes, Daddy. Has 40k is insane, still not making good money.. haha
Yes, Daddy. Has over 100k+ likes now, SnapChat Feels now has 260k.

Been like $30 a day selling posts on the pages, that's it really.
You can monetize with video. That is currently the most lucrative option out there at the moment. Also there are other networks other than MyLikes. Feel free to PM me if you want any recommendations for video/content networks that pay premiums.
Other than selling the pages, what is a good way to make money with these pages?
Like I've tried MyLikes, my payment was $30..
I can't link things because I don't have 15 posts yet, but I have a facebook page called, "SnapChat Feels" with about 240k likes, and I have another page called, "Yes, Daddy." with 26k likes.

The first picture here is the insights of, "SnapChat Feels"
The second one is the insights of, "Yes, Daddy."

Both of these pages have been grown all organically, never paid for an ad once, never paid for shoutouts.

I do own both of these pages, and I've tried MyLikes on SnapChat Feels and I can't really make money on there, I have friends who makes hundreds weekly using that site and I couldn't seem to grasp how when I got my first payment today of only $30.

I have a page with 600k+ likes and if you are interested in s4s PM.
i have some ideas..can you pm me?..also i have a plan to get viral content and increase page likes
Send me a pm, I can help you with some tips. Check my journey.
Keep away from MyLikes, not only is it shit payouts but you're damaging your reach. Facebook hates offsite tagging and with the recent update which aims to tackle clickbait content, you could find yourself unpublished in no time.

There are other ways to monetise beyond offers - Facebook is also monetising pages (which is paid based on minutes watched not views) - and if your page is up to spec in regards to content, you could potentially be put forward for it if you know where to ask.

Two of my pages are monetised, not been paid yet as it's still 6 weeks into it (paid every 3 months) so will be interesting to see how much revenue that can generate.

I run viral pages myself and all are monetised differently, and I may be able to help if we can talk so I can better understand your situation. We'll probably also setup some S4S together. PM me and lets talk.