How can i get market samurai for $97


Apr 10, 2010
Reaction score

I want to buy MS but have gone past the trial period so its now showing $147 to buy.

I have redownloaded under different emails but i cant get it to show up at $97 after it goes through the first data entry page and then to paypal.

Does anyone have any ideas or a discount code.

I know its here for free but would like to buy it legit!

When I got mine, it was already past the trial date. When I clicked the "buy now" option, it cost me $97 anyway.

So try it out and it should show you the cost on the PayPal page.
Found this in an Ezine article:

1. Sign Up For A Trial Account
The discount is build into the trial software because the developers want to make sure that you trial Market Samurai before you know you can get it cheaper. So make sure you sign up for a trial account.

2. Download The Software
When you purchase the software, using the Market Samurai promo code you just add a verification code to activate your account, so it makes sense to download it straight away. The other reason you need to download, install and run the software is because the discount is actually built into the software and you cannot access unless you are in the trial version.

3. Find The Market Samurai Promo Code
Inside the trial version of the software you will be given the option for a short period of time to get a Market Samurai discount of 35%. All you have to do is click through from the software and grab the discount.

At another place I read they are very strict with the Buy Within 6 days to get the discount.
Uninstall completely, install again and try to buy with discount.

If that doesn't work:
Install MS Trial on a computer/laptop where it hasn't been installed before. Use an email unknown to MS for the trial. Buy through the program.
Within MS deactivate the install and install on another computer.
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I tried all of the above but they didnt work because they seem to be able to check your paypal address too as the final hurdle.

I did resolve it by registering through the current 30 day challenge link which allows you to extend a previous trial. This unlocked my main email and worked like a charm.
The trail discount expires and is dependent upon the email address you used to sign up with.

Many email providers, including Gmail, allow you to append your address with +something—for example, [email protected]. (Note that Gmail addresses are not case sensitive). The incoming emails with the ms, or whatever you choose will be pre-labeled, and you can establish filters to sort them. The +something system also allows you to stop spam before it starts. If inappropriate emails with a designated +something address, you can kill off the address.