How can I get content from an expired domain from web archive?


Regular Member
May 8, 2013
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I know i can look up the content in Web Archives but how can i grab/scrape that content without having to copy and paste each page? Is there a method or is this my only option?
i tried looking around before asking but couldn't find a definitive answer. anyone know? thanks
Not really. This happened to me and I had to copy and paste every single post. You could try looking around, but I don't think there's a method.
Of course as you become older, you'd like to *automate* things by botting the old archives ;)

Learn yourself any powerful language like C#, Java or Perl and write your own bots.
httrack or scrapy. I haven't used this tools yet, just got it by Google search. I believe, this will help you.
you may write or buy a bot that can automate this process.
I looked into httrack. i'll give that a try. thanks for the reference.
httrack or scrapy. I haven't used this tools yet, just got it by Google search. I believe, this will help you.
Check on Odesk. Otherwise just use new content in the same niche. Thats gonna work as well.
Most of the content is spun I tried it before with no success. But you can try may be you will find a good expired blog with unique content.
Why would want to copy/paste the old content in the first place? Create some new content based on the same topic. Then go back to the and get a screen shot of the old content that you are referencing as the source of your content.
Why would want to copy/paste the old content in the first place? Create some new content based on the same topic. Then go back to the and get a screen shot of the old content that you are referencing as the source of your content.

Some pages are indexed and they have valuable content. nonetheless i already got it. Thanks everyone
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