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Host a static html file and a couple images for free?


Power Member
Feb 29, 2016
Reaction score
Hello guys, do you know if there is a way to host a static .index file and couple on images, on a free hosting while using my own domain name?

I have the domain registered and want to put up a small single page site on it, do you know if there is a free way to do this?
um, upload the index file to your domain maybe?? Not sure I understand what you're trying to do. Does the domain have a website already and you just need to upload that index file somewhere private where only you can see it, or is the domain blank and you want people to see the index page when they type the domain into the browser? Which one is it?
or is the domain blank and you want people to see the index page when they type the domain into the browser? Which one is it?
I want this ^

I'm looking for the free hosting to do this, the site is static. I know there are some free hosting out there but all of them force you to use their subdomain.
I have a domain, but since the website I'm trying to build on this domain is made of few small static files I don't want to buy an hosting for this
but all of them force you to use their subdomain
I can't believe this, sorry! Have you tried awardspace, freehostia or uhostfull?? I think these 3 allowed you to use your own domain name, but I don't remember...
Netlify is just what you need. I only have static sites (no wp hassle) and they are Just great! You won't regret checking them out
Hello guys, do you know if there is a way to host a static .index file and couple on images, on a free hosting while using my own domain name?

I have the domain registered and want to put up a small single page site on it, do you know if there is a free way to do this?
Yes. two free ways for your hosting.
1. google cloud free services for life time
2. google drive can also be use for hosting and can be configured with your domain.