Hiring people to run your bot


Registered Member
Jul 12, 2018
Reaction score
I stumbled upon a post of someone who was trying to hire someone who is a great at using a bot to post 3,000 comments. Why do you think he wants people to comment using the bot when he can get a person to do comments manually?

I thought you shouldn't post same comments in social media since that will trigger spam filters. Therefore you must create new comments manually. Maybe he should use a VPS.

I'm asking because if it's a good idea i'm going to do what he is doing

Here is his post:

""I am seeking to hire someone for the long term. I would pay 30 USD a day via paypal or another payment service if it is preferred by the person I am hiring.

Post 3,000 comments a day on certain hashtags I provide you. Make sure that the posts you comment on are targeted. If you are interested, I will provide the information on the hashtags and filters I require in order for the comments to target the posts I want.""

People use bots to save time. If the bot is able to spin the text and then comment then it should be used. Also, if the purpose of commenting is to sell something (not backlink) then who cares if the same comment goes on thousands of blogs. Generally, people make fresh sales page on not-important domains or even free domains (like web2.0), they do bot commenting, get some traffic and sales then change the sales page and repeat the bot commenting.
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