High subscriber count but low views?


Power Member
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
My channel has say.. more than 18,000 subscribers, but whenever I upload anything it gets only up to 50 views even for first 3 days and later on it would get stuck anywhere between 50 - 150.

That's the average I am talking about. For now I am using the 3 hashtags on each videos, though what can be the issue that I get low views or otherwise how this can be improved?
My channel has say.. more than 18,000 subscribers, but whenever I upload anything it gets only up to 50 views even for first 3 days and later on it would get stuck anywhere between 50 - 150.

That's the average I am talking about. For now I am using the 3 hashtags on each videos, though what can be the issue that I get low views or otherwise how this can be improved?

I only have 1,300 subscribers and range between 2,000 to 5,000 views. Generally reach 1000 within a couple days. Quality over quantity ALWAYS wins. Then again, I promote 24/7. Hundreds of backlinks, blog submissions, FB, YT, IG, TW, BH, Email, business cards, word of mouth etc.

I WISH I had half of your subscriber count. I've been pluggin away daily since October 28.

Lately I've watch my subs, likes, views, comments, and watch time disappear, then some will reappear. YT is crackin down hard. With all that said you have to have ALL your tags and upload info on point. Otherwise you get pummeled by the competition.
Look at the.chanmel Youalwayswin it has 2.7m subs but only gets 30k views per vid
Look at the.chanmel Youalwayswin it has 2.7m subs but only gets 30k views per vid

That's a dead giveaway that subs are bought or fake. Takes a long time to appropriate that many subs. Without engagement it's once again...just entertaining yourself.

Then again, a friend of mine has 10,000 sub because she did ONE Episode with a YouTube millionaire Shane Daweson. She releases an episode and gets MAYBE 400 views. She actually only has 700 watch hours out of 68 Episodes in YEARS.

I have 1300 subs and have 3,880 hours watched with only 35 Episodes. It's a numbers game. As I've mentioned, quality over quantity!
That's a dead giveaway that subs are bought or fake. Takes a long time to appropriate that many subs. Without engagement it's once again...just entertaining yourself.

Then again, a friend of mine has 10,000 sub because she did ONE Episode with a YouTube millionaire Shane Daweson. She releases an episode and gets MAYBE 400 views. She actually only has 700 watch hours out of 68 Episodes in YEARS.

I have 1300 subs and have 3,880 hours watched with only 35 Episodes. It's a numbers game. As I've mentioned, quality over quantity!

its really obv how fake your views likes and comments are btw :D
for most channels more than half of their views dont come from their subs, subs just help to launch videos. most views come from suggested and homepage.

what type of content are you posting?
My channel has say.. more than 18,000 subscribers, but whenever I upload anything it gets only up to 50 views even for first 3 days and later on it would get stuck anywhere between 50 - 150.

That's the average I am talking about. For now I am using the 3 hashtags on each videos, though what can be the issue that I get low views or otherwise how this can be improved?
Don't stress yourself with how many subs you got but rather focus on quality content, collaboration with other channels and building your overall social media presence. I have a channel with 80k subs and i average 30-40k views/day (95% of that is from non-subscribed users). Even PewDiePie who has over 80mil subs averages 5-10mil per upload, his numbers should be much higher considering his sub count. Just keep uploading, the numbers will come!
Don't stress yourself with how many subs you got but rather focus on quality content, collaboration with other channels and building your overall social media presence. I have a channel with 80k subs and i average 30-40k views/day (95% of that is from non-subscribed users). Even PewDiePie who has over 80mil subs averages 5-10mil per upload, his numbers should be much higher considering his sub count. Just keep uploading, the numbers will come!

Exactly! I was looking at my analytics and only 20% of my views is from my subs...but 90% of my views is from YouTube suggested content. Personally...I dont subscribe to everything I watch. So I dont expect everyone to subscribe to me. Its meant to be entertaining and informative. YouTube is a business. Your channel is like a storefront. You are in the SALES business. Everything is for sale at the price of TIME. Thats why "watch time" is the most crucial aspect of all. If people are watching 30 seconds of your stuff then leaving...you can have 100,000 hits and barely any watch time. Apposed ti a couple thousand hits and TONS of watch time!
also if you watch often videos of a channel even if you dont subscribe its the same because you will get videos recommended homepage. so same for your channel, focus on content that can goes viral.