Hide Firefox completely?


Dec 6, 2011
Reaction score
I joined this forum because I want my Firefox browser title/process/service/etc. to be hidden from the task manager completely so that another program I'm using CANNOT see that I'm running Firefox, nor see what site is open in my Firefox browser by the title of the task, etc.

Is that possible?

Thanks in advance! :)

p.s. not sure if this was the right forum, if not im really sry, new here
This can be done with a ring 3 rootkit.
Or you could just run your firefox in a virtual machine?
Hide FF portable on a USB or hidden folder and launch from command line
He means hidden at runtime.

Oh hell I should read more than titles. Probably not possible, easily anyway. You'd have to change the Process ID, probably several registry settings etc. Now I'm curious as to what program hates FF
Now I'm curious as to what program hates FF

None. He probably wants to do shady stuff with a browser on other people 's pcs :D Which is why he is not going to get a detailed answer on this as hacking is not allowed on the forum. ;)