Hi Youtube Flaggers


Registered Member
Nov 14, 2013
Reaction score
Sorry for this new thread, but i want to read this, all stupid kids who mass flagging on youtube.
You don't really have what to do? Really you do not have any homowork to do?
I'm talking mainly about keygen niche.
So it is a place for every person on youtube. If you flag me or if i will flag you i do not make more money then you or you won't make more money then me.
So , Stop the flag war! It is a started war that won't end and all we are affected.

Take it as a warning!

Sorry for my english!
Youtube has spam filters. If you post affiliate links, videos with the same hash, use no or bad proxies etc they will take down your videos. Its not always competition.
Sorry for this new thread, but i want to read this, all stupid kids who mass flagging on youtube.
You don't really have what to do? Really you do not have any homowork to do?

I know I do not have to but I enjoy it, it is one of my hobbies. I have my girlfriend to do the dishes, so I have nothing else to fill my day other than flagging videos, or going out to the pub, and flagging videos is more healthy than drinking all the time.
They are defiantly getting bad that's for sure, and a pain in my a**. I have been tempted to make a mass flag bomber, but then what would be the point. It will never stop and there is nothing anyone can do about it. If you stoop to their level it will just escelate the problem making it harder and harder to make money.
no problem bro, you are no 1. This is your IQ.
I am speaking about some niche . I am sure that someone is flagging. So only not flag! I know when some channels are flagged or not!
They are defiantly getting bad that's for sure, and a pain in my a**. I have been tempted to make a mass flag bomber, but then what would be the point. It will never stop and there is nothing anyone can do about it. If you stoop to their level it will just escelate the problem making it harder and harder to make money.
This is true. So , some kids are thinking they are the best with this solution.
Same here. I just uploaded a video, day two it was flagged and my youtube account got deleted.
If you are scared of bears, don't go in the forest. Its absolutely normal that gaming niche is full of kids (bad decisions/POV). Just move to other niches there are tons of tons of them coming each and every day! Everything around you is niche so start using your brain and stop complaining about oversaturated sh*t!
Youtube has spam filters. If you post affiliate links, videos with the same hash, use no or bad proxies etc they will take down your videos. Its not always competition.

What kinds of affiliate links you mean? What about clickbank ones?

The worst idiots are those who came to your niche, taking down your top video, steal the description etc. Breaking your niche and noone actually making money then as i obviously have to flag back. Why ppl can't understand, that it's much easier to stealty take over niche with simple outrank competition not rising the alarm, than starting pointless flag war ending up with nothing but dust?
I know I do not have to but I enjoy it, it is one of my hobbies. I have my girlfriend to do the dishes, so I have nothing else to fill my day other than flagging videos, or going out to the pub, and flagging videos is more healthy than drinking all the time.

You need to live the dream and find a pub with WiFi, then you can flag and drink at the same time = heaven!
How about you think bigger? Like Seriously?
Ask yourself how do you make money? Does the answer 'Well I make fool out of kids and get them to complete surveys for fake stuff'?
Is that how you wanna be known?
this is not going anywhere. just keep reuploading back your video until he's stop flagging.
right now youtube is just full of wannabes and kids who make some pocket money.
there are only few who make an decent amount of money from yt. si

but do you know a way to make decent money from youtube now?
im having same problem and i have heard that verified channels is hard to flag so try to verify the channel.
Youtube has spam filters. If you post affiliate links, videos with the same hash, use no or bad proxies etc they will take down your videos. Its not always competition.

Since when do affiliate links get taken down? I mean as long as you're using a trusted source such as clickbank and you're not there scamming it should be fine.