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Dec 12, 2015
Reaction score
Hey guys,

I've been reading a lot here on BHW for the last year and i've finally decided to become a member. I'm an electrical & software engineer, i own a small hosting/designing/security company and i work as a freelancer by side(you know "there aint no rest for the wicked" hahaha).

In case anyone is wondering :p i can code in c/c++, c++/cli, qt, win32api, winrt, python, php, java, ajax, javascript, html, css, jQuery, selenium, phantom js (this are the languages that i mostly use)

i can also code in(even if i dont usually use them, i am pretty good with them as well): pearl, ruby, ruby on rails, c#, visual basic.

some of my other skills are reverse engineering & penetration testing
Love to code crypters, scappers-crawlers (i usually use python with beautifulsoup+requests, php, selenium+phantomjs(clicking etc) but when something more sophisticated is needed i code them in c++)

i can set up most of the bots/scripts to run in heroku(amazing speeds and its free)

I have a few algorithms of my own that could detect fraudulent activity like clickfraud(for the tech savvies i check events triggered with javascript and some statistics nothing cutting edge but considerably cheaper from the big companies :p), fake leads(impressions, ips, time frame, mail domains etc) etc

Anyways hopefully i'll be of use to the community.
Wow those are some pretty amazing skills, i wish i could code in that many languages lol, welcome bro you will love it here :)
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