Hi there all.
Firstly, a great site here with lots of useful information and services..
I am hoping someone can help me. I am in Australia and I need to get a UK based betfair account so I can bet "inplay". I also need to run a bot for the betting so since I will be at work (no computer) whilst this is happening I need a external server? I believe? Sorry I am not exactly sure about the last part.. Would be interested to hear from others that have done this before with success. I was going to use hidemyass as the vpn to register the account with betfair then somehow get a uk bank account with a vcc.. thanks in advance
Firstly, a great site here with lots of useful information and services..
I am hoping someone can help me. I am in Australia and I need to get a UK based betfair account so I can bet "inplay". I also need to run a bot for the betting so since I will be at work (no computer) whilst this is happening I need a external server? I believe? Sorry I am not exactly sure about the last part.. Would be interested to hear from others that have done this before with success. I was going to use hidemyass as the vpn to register the account with betfair then somehow get a uk bank account with a vcc.. thanks in advance