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Help with a landing page


Jan 30, 2013
Reaction score
Hey all!

I created a landing page for generating leads for a charter company down in the US Virgin Islands. I cannot seem to get any traction. I could really use some advice and help. chartervi.com is the main landing page. Please do feel free to critique it and give me some feed back. All is welcome.

By lack of traction do you mean the LP doesn't convert? Or it fails to attract traffic? How are you driving traffic? What expectations are you setting with your traffic generation methods?
If I were you I'd change out the email opt in to a popup

I'd also get a plugin that has an email opt in popup when visitors try to leave your site
Alright brother Sem,

If your main goal is to get bookings and sales here (which I'm sure is main objective) this landing page needs to change. First you are asking right away "When do you want to go" and most people just need a little push to book a time and date right then and there. But you are asking them to do something instantly which I'm sure you and I can agree, we don't like to be told most the time even if it's for something we want. You need to work with your client and craft something that will make the husband/wife who is viewing say: "BABE, we need to book NOW" and you can't do that by just trying to book them the moment they are on the page.

When i helped my client (MED SPA) get 122 new Botox appointments set in under two months (with minimal spend) it wasn't because i asked the audience to do something right away. We worked together to offer them something they couldn't turn down the MOMENT they saw it. It's like triggering the desire to eat some delicious food in someone's mind, if you put something in front of them that is "Delicious" and something they "want" in that moment they almost always will take a bite. Same with consumers and selling. Get the offer up that they cannot refuse.

And more so, it seems the landing page is selling the biography of Chad more than the actual offer itself. If you change the tune of this lander, i have no doubts it can turn into a booking machine for your client and he may never been seen on dry land again. A good problem huh? LOL

So here's what you should do:

1: Scrap this landing page.
2: Talk with your client to formulate an IRRESISTIBLE offer e.g. 50% off your Booking, or free 30 minute consultation etc. be creative
3: Use Clickfunnels to make a nice and SIMPLE Funnel (video or text) and throw up the amazing deal. (PM me for an example)
4: Make sure your Ads & Landing page are Congruent with your whole Funnel.
5: DO SPLIT TESTS. Don't be afraid to split test.

Split Testing can help you find what works. Sure, it takes up a lot of time, but it is worth more than the client itself (if you did Yacht chartering for example you could bank hard). Say you do one landing page and it brings in 5 sales in a month. Imagine if you tested other landers and variations, and found one to convert insanely high and brings in 50+ sales per month from that SAME traffic. Would you have ever discovered it by using one lander? Nope. This is ONLY achieved through split testing. This goes for the Actual Ads themselves, as well as finding what works offer wise. No doubt you can help this guy book more appointments and dates, but it won't happen the current lander you got in place. Just trying to help you out. You can keep throwing money at it and hope for it to do well, but consider the advice and give it a go!

Best of luck,