help! the pretty content.


Junior Member
Sep 15, 2009
Reaction score
hi,guys,i'm just set up my first autoblog,and i used the uaw and wp-o-matic to generated the content,it's work..but no images(pictures)and no videos embed with the content,so it's seems lame and unattractive
anyone know about this trouble? how can i fix it ?
could you tell me wome other nice plugins which can generate the unique articles and match images(pictures)?

i'm very appreciate for you answer!
end of each articles,have the other people affiliate links and this articles source,i think they are very adverse for,how can i solve this? maybe i will delete this every articles manually?
I"m not an autoblog expert, but there are plenty here... do a search and send them a PM.. I'm sure you'll get a response.
this is my first autoblog,please have a look:
Search for caffinated content or another few good plugins are:



Your blog actually looks good, pretty clean & with caffinated content or the other plugins in the thread above will look nicer with images, videos etc.
Search for caffinated content or another few good plugins are:



Your blog actually looks good, pretty clean & with caffinated content or the other plugins in the thread above will look nicer with images, videos etc.
ok,thanks,i will have a try.
few hours ago,i ueds cc and it's not working.there are 2 problemes:
1, 404 error after i setting done and click the "go".
2, no items which no ansewrs and no questions after i setting done and click the "go".
i will pay for someone 20$,if somebody can help me or give me some other useful plugins.
i just want have the articles become more attract:images(pictures)or video embed within artciles.
i tried the unique article wizard and it's really generate unique articles,but no images,no videos,so it's seems lame. and end of each articles,there are the article resource and some affiliate links,i don't how to delete this without manually.

i tried the cc and it's don't work.

this issues bother me about 1 week,i'm very upset,but i will don't give up.

so,please someone can help me.

i'm very very very very appreciate !!!
I never tried Unique content plugins...

Trust me autoblogs are SHIT.. maybe they work for FEW people but you really can't make more money out of it.

If u are still into autoblogging then rephrase and rewrite the content with images or video, seems like a hectic work to me but you can give it a try.
I never tried Unique content plugins...

Trust me autoblogs are SHIT.. maybe they work for FEW people but you really can't make more money out of it.

If u are still into autoblogging then rephrase and rewrite the content with images or video, seems like a hectic work to me but you can give it a try.
what do you do?
Take a look on your blog post, there is no image on your blog post. i can't see image or video.
check your source feed, are you sure the feed have an image ?
try :
end of each articles,have the other people affiliate links and this articles source,i think they are very adverse for,how can i solve this? maybe i will delete this every articles manually?

Autoblogged solve your problem

This thread is good to start your autoblog business :)

Good luck
If you stuck about image or video, try yahoo pipes insert random image from flickr or whatever, combine with Rss Feed. insert the result into your cc / ab / wpomatic.

i think the best is ab for your autoblog.

find tutorial about yahoo pipes and how to insert image. its not difficult.
Who ever told this person to send people PM's should of added "do not spam people" lol...
Find a copy of YAAB. It works better than CC. You will, however, have to view the feed to find out if it's appropriate for your niche. Use UAW plugin too and DON'T change their content. Both of these are free.

Once you can afford to, put out some money and purchase an aggregator for you autoblogs. I recommmend WP Ultimate Content Fetcher. Google it and read what is say.

The person who sells it is a member of BHW. His name is Kaene and you can PM him on this forum.
Only plugin I've been happy with is Autoblogged. It takes a little time to find a few good blogs to use as sources and then you're cooking.

A pity, but most of the rewriter plugins will make your posts look like they were written in Klingon. Again, I've tried several and not found one that is yet acceptable.

So, I just echo full feeds from several sources, occasionally mix in my own posts (rarely but it does happen) and let them run. I've not spent any time promoting or seo'ing the newest batch, but 4 of them in one niche bring in enough to pay the hosting bill for 50 or so domains. In time, I'm sure they'll make a little more.
thanks,good job,i wish you have great income with autoblogs