Help me apprise website


Regular Member
Jan 31, 2011
Reaction score
I have a MNS which has 8 pages indexed in google and has about 8 articles each 1K words at average.

KW 1 - 6.6K US 12K global searches pisition in google#5 adwords cpc $17 comp high (Homepage)
KW 2 - 2.9K US 4.4K global searches pisition in google#7 adwords cpc $13 comp low (Homepage)

Education niche.

the main link building methods:
manually created web 2.0's blasted with 1K contextual links.
Hybrid SEO alpha package.

the website earned 2.5 euros during the previous 30 days.
according to google analytics my website had 1300 sessions (859 US 159 india 50 UK) 1062 new users.

80% of the traffic is organic, 10 % direct, 5.8% referral, 4.2% social.

The website does not have a lot of traffic potential, I knew about it, but started due to high cpc KW's. Unfortunately, I have very low cpc $0.11 at average. I don't know why. Maybe I can't optimize it properly or maybe it needs to be aged (7-8 months old at the moment).
It can be monetized with google (If you can improve cpc) and some cpa offers maybe.

I decided to give up and sell it and go for amazon KW's.

I will appreciate your opinion.

Thanks in advance.
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I can also give to the buyer passwords for those 5 high quality web 2.0 properties if they are worth anything.

(I am not trying to sell the website here, just want to find out its price in order to decide if it is worth selling or not. I may decide to wait and work more on cpc optimization).