HELP! Linklicious Pro or Basic?


Compromised Account
Apr 10, 2011
Reaction score
Hi: I do not need to submit 50K links a day - so does Linklicious Basic do the same thing as Pro? What does it mean when it says "Links never Expire" whereas basic it does. Also Basic does not alow Custom domain name(s) for link shortening and anonymizing like Pro - is that really necesseary?
I'm with pro so I can't really tell you the difference between their basic and pro packages.

Pro works well though. I use both Lindexed and Linklicious.
Hi Kennen: I heard of Lindexed to and was trying to decide between that and backlinkindexer as well
Hi: I do not need to submit 50K links a day - so does Linklicious Basic do the same thing as Pro? What does it mean when it says "Links never Expire" whereas basic it does. Also Basic does not alow Custom domain name(s) for link shortening and anonymizing like Pro - is that really necesseary?

Hello, the only thing that "links never expire" means, is that the "History of the links being crawled" will expire in the basic account, on the pro account they never expire.

^ So if that is something your not worried about, yeah, basic is all you would need.

As for your last question, some people don't want to share their domains with everybody else, other people don't care. If that is something that is important to might want to go pro, if not...don't worry about it and go basic.