Help finding PayDay ( Legitimate) Advertiser or a network

Leads Provider

Junior Member
Jun 5, 2009
Reaction score
Hello BH friends.
I have done some BH traffic on payday campaigns from hydra , neverblue , maxbounty and many other networks....
None of my leads were tracked expect the one page form submits ( Payday one page form submits )..
These leads are quality leads * ( no doubt source being the BH )

I even had my friend signup to a payday offer , she received all the calls from the advertiser or lender but i was not credited for the offer. :(

What i want is a network which has got EXCLUSIVE payday campaigns and are tracking in realtime...For the nertworks mentioned above , i tested for many advertisers , all had tracking issues...

Please help me finding a network with whom you guys worked and if they were tracking in realtime and accurately.

Thanks a lot ,
I wonder if none of you have ever worked on PAYDAY vertical...
or well , just share your ideas.. Definately , posts over this thread worth a positive REP :)

i promote payday loans and car loans, i do well with these offers. I used to promote offers from Hydra Network but they were not tracking the leads or the advertiser was shaving heavily. I stopped promoting with them.

I joined they have atelast 8-10 payday offers and i was converting well with them, Made around $230 in 2 days. But later i stopped promoting them as this was the new network and i was making sure they pay.

They paid me those $230 last month. They are on NET 7
hey. net 7? i just signed up. awaiting phone call from them.
We are a payday loan lead company, we are very selective with who we work with, but we have been doing the game for a while and as long as the leads back out, we can pay as much as $7 per gross submitted application if we're the only group looking at the data, and $2-3 if we're not (a lead being shopped around).

(If the traffic is really good, we'll pay even more)

We have real time reporting, and do net-7 wires.

(I'm one of the owners) but email me directly:

[email protected]

Look forward to hearing from you.
Thanks a lot friends....
Please share some more ideas... Participants have got + rep from me and a Thanks as i was THANKFUL for the HELP...

Please Keeep it coming.

And yes thats true HYDRA network sucks.. They tracked 0 leads out of 4 that i gave them... One member even got the LOAN creditted but no SALE/Lead in my account...

or i shall say the Advertiser was stealing , there was no firing pixel placed by the advertiser... How could HYDRA allow these SCAMMERS....??

Anyways , any legitimate networks that BH friends would like to share with everyone here???
no more help guys???
please respond as i am still hunting for payday advertiser /campaigns/networks.

We ( are the direct source and tops in this vertical. We own and operate 35+ exclusive sites for you to chose from. Great sites are only a part of the equation. LF has the most diverse pool and highest paying lenders (many exclusive to us only) out of any program out there ...period!

As far as tracking, we built our own proprietary tracking interface which tracks at the DB Level , which is far more accurate than straight cookie tracking.

As far as other members and yourself mentioning that you should obtain cash offers from networks- No problem with that, but keep in mind you are not getting that offer direct nor will you be getting as high of a payout. They are getting these private label sites from folks like ourselves ( While I know for some, payouts are not everything - Especially if you have a solid relationship and are generating a good amount of volume. If you don?t fall into that category, I suggest going direct.

If anyone wants to pick my brain and or sign up -hit me up.


We ( are the direct source and tops in this vertical. We own and operate 35+ exclusive sites for you to chose from. Great sites are only a part of the equation. LF has the most diverse pool and highest paying lenders (many exclusive to us only) out of any program out there ...period!

As far as tracking, we built our own proprietary tracking interface which tracks at the DB Level , which is far more accurate than straight cookie tracking.

As far as other members and yourself mentioning that you should obtain cash offers from networks- No problem with that, but keep in mind you are not getting that offer direct nor will you be getting as high of a payout. They are getting these private label sites from folks like ourselves ( While I know for some, payouts are not everything - Especially if you have a solid relationship and are generating a good amount of volume. If you don't fall into that category, I suggest going direct.

If anyone wants to pick my brain and or sign up -hit me up.


Hey chipmunk, Welcome to BHW.

Leadflash is a different kind of network, like every network pays per lead where as Leadflash only pays for credited sales(PPS). Considering the payday loan industry it's very hard to get a sale as most of the offers which we promote just sell those leads to multiple lenders.

NOTE for BHW members: As far as i know Leadflash if a genuine network that has more than 35 offers related to payday and payout is also nice, most of the offers pay $35 per sale and few offers pay $90. If you have a decent traffic for payday related offers Leadflash is good. They have their own tracking system and don't directly depend on Direct Track.
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look up iDosh, good lender and honest, you can sign up on their affiliate program and see how it goes