Help a Beginner Out?


Regular Member
Mar 5, 2009
Reaction score
Hi everyone, I just started using Clickbank on one of my websites a few days ago for the first time and would appreciate it if you could help me understand a few things (I searched Google and the forums but couldn't find my answer).

1. Why am I seeing 3 purchases from the same person? His name appears on a purchase for an item "4", "14", and "12".

2. Why are my commissions not consistent? For example, two people purchased item "4", one time I got paid $10 and the other time $9.80.

3. How do I know if someone buys a product with recurring commission? I know the product I'm promoting has that option but how do I know in my affiliate area if the customers purchased it?

That's all for know, I'm sure I'll have a few more questions later. Thanks a lot! :)
>1. Why am I seeing 3 purchases from the same person? His name appears on a purchase for an item "4", "14", and "12".
They bought multiple products. The merchant did an effective cross-sell.

>2. Why are my commissions not consistent? For example, two people purchased item "4", one time I got paid $10 and the other time $9.80.
Fees for the transaction such as international purchases % fee may be different before your cut is determined.

Also, sometime the merchant will offer a better price if they don't buy initially. Your cut will naturally be lower.

>3. How do I know if someone buys a product with recurring commission? I know the product I'm promoting has that option but how do I know in my affiliate area if the customers purchased it?
The first sale for a rebill purchase is labeled sale-rb in the txn type. It will then be labeled rebill on the following rebills.