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Nov 30, 2011
Reaction score

English isn't my first langage, I speak French on a daily basis.. Im sorry if my english isn't very good!

I really like what I read on this website already.. I have read somes threads since a couple of days and I decide to sign up, im sure I will learn a lot here.

If you wanna know a little about me, im a nineteen years old boy from Montreal(Quebec/Canada).

Im studying Multimedia. Im a freelance webdesigner/programmer. I can code HTML/CSS, Javascript, jQuery, PHP/MySQL, Actionscript 3.0 and design on Photoshop, Illustrator, inDesign. I can also create 3D models and animation on Maya and motion graphics on After Effect/Final Cut.

The main reason why I join black hat is that I am working on a project and I think that your community can help me learn a lot about how I could get a lot of people seeing my project and hopefully, make money out of it.

I want to sell website template(Flash, PHP/MySQL) that are customisable directly by some XML files or some database so the customer could create a great website without having any real programmation knowledge. My website will also sell little flash application(ex: Video player). Multimedia is my passion, i ain't making this only to make money out of it. I mean, yes i want to make money, but it's not a problems for me to work A LOT on the content(my templates and my applications).

I am currently working on the first template right now, i think it will be finished before February. I want to start to think to a marketing plan to promote my futur eCommerce. Am I on the good forum?

I had some idea already :

  • I want to create a website to sell the templates via Paypal. On the website I will put a form where anyone could register to my newletters so I can collect email of people who are interested in the website. I will contact them later when new templates will be add to the website or when free application will be released.

  • I want my website to be on a good position on Google, I need to found the good keyword for it, maybe try to found a niches in the domains of website template, is it possible you think? If it is, which program you think will be good to help me found the good keyword?

  • SeNukeX seems to be a good program to help me get backlinks and also good keywords, am I right? What does this program doing other than this? Do we need other thing than this in SEO: backlinks and good keywords?

  • I want to create a Youtube channel and add views/likes/subscribers to my video with website like EnhanceViews, Vagex, and u2bViews. I am currently accumulating credits. I have a great camera (Canon Rebel T3i) and some video editing skills. I can show you the list of what I think will be good videos :
    • A presentation of my compagnie and what we are doing
    • A presentation of the template/application and all the advantage that a customer will have to buy this template [REPEAT FOR EACH NEW TEMPLATE/APPLICATION]

  • I want to create a Twitter account for my compagnie to promote and to entertain customer on a daily basis. I have seen, on this website, a program that can add a number of twitter followers a day? I think it is 200? Is this still working? If it is, i will try to get a good number of followers for my account.

  • I also want to create a Facebook Fanpage to give credibility to my compagnie and I will had some fans with Tweers.

That the ideas I had, do you have others suggestions? Am I doing something wrong?

I dont know a lot about SEO but im a good webdesigner/programmer, I know I can creat good content. I think all I need is to learn how to sell it.

If you have some advice for me, don't hesitate! You can write them here, PM me. I also wanted to give you my email but I dont have enough message to write a email, if you want it, you can PM me.

I can also help you if you have problems programming or designing something, i know nothing free in this world. I can help you back!

Thanks a lot, i hope my message wasn't too long (or too boring.. haha)


PS: Im sorry for my english, I did my best
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