Hello YouTube, Please Patched My YT Views Increaser Method


Junior Member
Feb 11, 2009
Reaction score

Anyone know, how can i report to YouTube to patched the YT View Increased Method Because ...Someone Stolen my method then i want the method get Patched.
If you release it and tons of people start using it, it will very likely get patched very fast "specially being posted here on BHW given the claims Google watch over us".

Besides that you could try to send a support mail to YouTube with how you do it, so they can patch it.
dont share it.. and just dont report to yt etc..

below 100 people know about it.. nothing to worry about...

the problem about YT patching.. is not about single method get patch.. but when they do upgrade to their system.. other method will get patched to...!

just keep cool.. and chill ;)
If you really want it to be patched, just release it to the public and it will get patched for sure. Or you could always email Google support to report a BUG. I don't know of the link/email, but if you Google it, I'm sure you will find it.
Why would you EVER do that? Do you think that even if somebody stole "your method" there isn't enough demand on YT to make you and the other hundreds ppl in the world that have some trick to rig the system PROFITING from it? It's like someone with a method to rank #1 on G that wants to have it patched because somebody else is using it... Un-fuckin-believable..
Absolutely fucking shitty. You hang out on a forum where the general rule is that people share things with each other, and where you no doubt go to the download page and leech products other people developed, and then you turn around and want to crush a method because someone else has figured it out and using it. That makes you pretty douche-a-rific doesn't it!
How do you know they stole it and didn't just come up with the same method as you?

If you thought of something, you can probably bet a millions others have though of it too, no matter how extravagant. If you managed to make that thought a reality, you can just about guarantee thousands have done the same.