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Hello, Black Hat World

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Sebastian Rooks

Junior Member
Nov 16, 2015
Reaction score
Good evening Black Hat World,

I've been around here for a few months, learning as much as I can from the beautiful minds that know more than me about IM.

Offline I work in real estate. I buy really distressed properties at auctions and I fix them up. I do all of the work myself. I learned how to do everything I do now through trial and error. It took a long time to learn things, and to over come the gross inefficiencies of being a novice.

I plan on learning internet marketing in the same way. I hope that the things that seem impractically difficult now will feel common place with a little time and practice.

I'll tell you what I've done since I joined this forum:

I bought follow liker for Twitter and Instagram
110 Twitter accounts and 10 Instagrams
20 Proxies

Then I learned what those words mean and I set them up. Right now I've got 44 twitter accounts running with about 14,000 followers and growing.

I just started a website with the intention of turning it into a viral news site (I don't know anything about wordpress or websites or webhosting, but I'm learning) . I have Newsmag theme courtesy of this forum and InnovativeSeo. It doesn't have any content yet. That's where I'm at now.

I don't really know what I'm doing exactly, but I'm hoping I'll be able to tie it all together as I learn and make something of it.
I'm here reading everyday. It'd be nice to get to know some of you in the process, because I'm here to stay.
Welcome to BlackHatWorld :) good that you are taking action ! Keep up the good work.
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