OP, I have one word for you: Veterans.
Everyone is LAZY AS FUCK these days. They want handouts. Kids out of college think they deserve/are entitled to a 6-figure salary without proving they know shit. Then you have the lazy fucks that don't want to work because they can sit at home and play XBox and collect unemployment and renew it each month by clicking on a single button online (thanks fucking govt - assholes).
So, back to why hiring Veterans is the way to go:
1. They WANT to work. They WANT to fit back into society so bad.
2. They are disciplined and easy to train. If you just SHOW them, they will retain 100% of the info.
3. They will show up on time and work. They won't be playing on Facebook or texting. They work. back to being disciplined.
4. They are honest. They won't bend/alter your script or how you tell them to pitch the clients.
Also, once word gets out that you hire veterans the local community will blow you. Seriously, watch how many local businesses retain your SEO services JUST BECAUSE you hire veterans. Want to get featured by every news outlet in your local area? Contact them and tell them you are hiring veterans.
Try it. PM me if you have any questions.
- You get amazing workers that WORK.
- They give you 110% at ALL times
- They want a career - they will start at the bottom and prove their worth
- You can easily convert your top sales reps into team leaders, managers, etc (they lead teams in fucking battle -- leading a team of SEO reps is a cake walk to these guys)