Have issues with procrastination when you write? Check this out...

Danny Relic

Regular Member
Apr 13, 2007
Reaction score
So I was surfing around and came across this, Write or Die.

Basically, it's a web program (there's a desktop program now too) that punishes you for NOT writing.

You plug in your word count goal, and a time to do it in and hit WRITE.

For every time you stop writing, it will begin to eat words you've written, forcing you to keep going and not get distracted!

Check it out. I thought it was pretty neat and clever. :)


(Watch the video at the bottom!)
Hey, this thing's great. I set the punishment so it wouldn't delete my work, but I love the timer and live word counter feature.
i definitely need this! lol. I put "pro" in procrastination.

Oh Danny! Only you could have found such a evil program that does not even allow me to pop my finger-joints! :D

I'll never ever blame Bill (Gates) for creating monsters that made me wait-n-wait so many times in spite of my very fast dual core machine! Bill is like a saint compared to the monster who created this cannibal...
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Oh man. At first I thought this sounded pretty cool until I noticed the "it eats words" >> NO! What if you're just trying to think of a phrase or word? Guess you better just type in some BS and come back to it lol.
Oh man. At first I thought this sounded pretty cool until I noticed the "it eats words" >> NO! What if you're just trying to think of a phrase or word? Guess you better just type in some BS and come back to it lol.

That's cheating! :p

You can set the punishment to not eat your words, though. The desktop version is the best. :)
i'd prefer a reward system....1 dollar for every sentence written
What a great concept..

I'm emailing a copy of the upcoming version 2.0 to all AC forum cackling hens. Supposedly this new version wipes your hard drive clean and bitch slaps you with a Google ban if you're running it in kamikaze mode and don't beat the timer.

What a great concept..

I'm emailing a copy of the upcoming version 2.0 to all AC forum cackling hens. Supposedly this new version wipes your hard drive clean and bitch slaps you with a Google ban if you're running it in kamikaze mode and don't beat the timer.


Sounds like an adventure!
So it will eliminate all my words when I stop writing? Sounds interesting..
Not all your words, it will just begin to backtrack one word at a time until you start writing again.

That would be really shitty if it just cleared all your text.
Thanks, the perfect tool for a slow article writer like me. I nearly doubled my writing speed at the second try (had no time to think or edit anything).

Anybody here has a download link for the desktop version?
I'm really bad about procrastination when it comes to writing. I can write ok, but I don't really enjoy it that much. I'd much rather be tweaking the script to make wp or something look just how I want, or doing things to promote a website. Even researching topics, but I hate writing. But a program that pushes me would make it even worse. lol