GSA/NoHandSEO - With and without a captcha tool


Jan 25, 2013
Reaction score
I tried both GSA and NoHands, and both created sketchy links IMO.
Just lots of links to websites filled with hundreds of spammy links.
BUT, I didn't run a captcha tool at all.

Does running a captcha tool make a huge difference, or is it just more of the same?
Captcha tools change a lot, most sites without captcha will be spammed to death.
Besides, GSA has several options to filter out spammy sites, ranging from not posting below X PR, not posting to sites with x word on them and OBL counter and whatnot.
I guess I need to play with it more then. I think I gave up too early on it.
What kind of proxy do you use with it? Do you pay for a proxy?
I bought from ProxyBlaze on BHW, $20ish for 20 proxies.
Well worth the money imo
If you didn't run a captcha tool at all, then you're going to be submitting to sites requiring no captcha, in other words, low quality sites.