Got .xxx domain.

Can you make a profit? The possibility definitely exists. Do I personally think you will? No. Those 3 letters just don't jump to mind when I am search for XXX content.
Should try and get some big domains, then contact the company in a few months and shoot them a sales pitch. ;)
Should try and get some big domains, then contact the company in a few months and shoot them a sales pitch. ;)

And then they shoot you with a Lawsuit and take the domain by force.
lol Sarcasm guys. :P

Honestly I think that a short URL like this would be attractive to people on Flippa, it's easy to remember, and if they market it right can be a good asset. But I dunno, just my 2 cents. I'd say there's money to be had.
Think I might get into the porn bizness :) Bought a couple of 3 letter domains ...

ps Good luck op
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I'm just looking to make profit from selling the domain. My parents don't approved of me working with porn anyways.
Someone should buy LOL

I am hesitant to think there is gonna be a ton of money in these as I think .com is still gonna be king. The land rush stages should be fun though.
I managed to get a nice domain.

I know there was a lot of registrations but does anyone know how long it takes for my domain to become approved?
You can keep it with you and after some months just let it placed for selling at different marketplaces. It will fetch you a good profit for sure.