Got too much BTC, now what?


Oct 28, 2013
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So I recently did some work over TOR, and obviously this was all paid in BTC. Now here is the issue, I live in the EU.

So, how am I supposed to cashout this BTC? I can't just transfer it to my localbitcoins account and sell it as I don't have a receipt for how I got the BTC, thus I cannot withdraw the sales to my bank account as I already run a small business and will be audited in a few months. I wouldn't mind paying taxes on it, but I can't legally "prove" that I own the money as it would have just appeared in my LBC account. This due to the fact that the company I worked for never did any invoicing, they simply transferred the cash into my anonymous wallet.

So, any ideas? I know, I can use the BTC to buy things in my name as this would go unnoticed, but I would love to use this money to buy some new fancier clothes and pay my bills. So any suggestions?

For those wondering:

It's not just one or two BTC's, it's a two digit number, which is why I want to use it to "live on" so to say.

Add: I can sell BTC, the problem is that I cannot verify that I own the money as I have no invoice for the work I did. So no need to offer me to exchange BTC.

Secondly: I don't use Skype.
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send it all to me?
once i get it i will pay u on western union from my home in nigeria :)

Real funny ;)

I do know that using a shell company would be one way but I don't know anyone I can trust. Besides, in that case they would have the same issue. So I'd rather just handle it by myself.

One idea I had was to simply use various anonymous wallets, buy tons of expensive stuff in my name and then resell it cheap on Ebay...But still that feels overly complicated, I just want my hard-earned money :/

Edit: I don't use Skype.
how did you get the btc, from which marketplace on tor, i noticed most places dont have enough traffic, i think after silk road got busted tor riches soon dried up.
Buy something from darknet markets then resell it for cash.Remember that it has not only drugs but also other legal items.

Well this is the main problem, I live in Sweden, cash is useless here. I can buy food at most or cheaper things. Or else I could just transfer it to one of those finance companies that send you cash in return for BTC.

On the question on how I got it: Private contacts, I do tons of work and why would I stick to only Clearnet for work? I usually get invoices over Darknet aswell, but no not these fuckers. So I didn't sell anything or so.

In other words, my main problem is the "laundering" I guess. As I want the money into my bank account in the end so I can use it.

Fill up some VCC's with them, then use those

Yeah but in that case I can just use a shop that allows BTC, there is one here in Sweden. I could buy gaming computers and resell them at 50% value, but still, same issue, I cannot use these for more private stuff.

But the VCC thing was the best idea so far, any good VCC that actually allows BTC transfers?
Why don't u sell the btc in market places for $$ into ur bank or else invest the btc into more online work for cash this time
or you can exchange your bitcoin to cash.

Yeah but I mean this is the issue, I know how to cashout BTC, I deal with BTC daily. But since I never got an invoice, all of this money is technically "illegal", which is the stupid part. If I transfer it in any way to my bank account or so in a way that it is linked to my name, the government is obviously gonna ask "So dude...How did you get all that money?" Five mins later I'd be in a cell. Pretty sure the company I worked for paid me in "black money" now in hindsight, but they seemed serious and professional.

So I cannot verify that I own this money, that is the problem. At the tax report, I wouldn't have a verification on the funds, which means that all my rent and clothes would have been paid in black money according to them. Which of course, is illegal. I am not a criminal after all so I don't want to get jailed for some idiot company.

In other words: I can exchange the BTC, no issue there. But I don't have an invoice of such to prove that I own the money. I have sold BTC before so no need to PM me about that. I can cashout perfectly fine, I just can't verify the money.
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pm me. i can exchange btc to pm or wmz or paypal or something else and then transfer to you, if you worry, you can divide that btc amount to many parts you want to work with me.
Go to circle and sell them your btc. Say you play the market and crypto-trade, and you finally sold all the btc you were holding.
Well this is the main problem, I live in Sweden, cash is useless here. I can buy food at most or cheaper things. Or else I could just transfer it to one of those finance companies that send you cash in return for BTC.

On the question on how I got it: Private contacts, I do tons of work and why would I stick to only Clearnet for work? I usually get invoices over Darknet aswell, but no not these fuckers. So I didn't sell anything or so.

In other words, my main problem is the "laundering" I guess. As I want the money into my bank account in the end so I can use it.

Yeah but in that case I can just use a shop that allows BTC, there is one here in Sweden. I could buy gaming computers and resell them at 50% value, but still, same issue, I cannot use these for more private stuff.

But the VCC thing was the best idea so far, any good VCC that actually allows BTC transfers?
We offer VCCs loadable with bitcoin. You can add the card to your paypal and pay bills, or just buy stuff directly with it
I have another idea

Like why not find some one whom you trust near ur place where u live and make him a bank account I mean like this here in my country ppl are exempted of tax utill a specified amount that is if he earns less than 10k dollars a yr then no need for him to pay tax so find some one near ur area and then transfer btc to his acct and then transfer back to your acct so the person whom you transfer need not pay tax as he is in the limit in which he earns and there you go you get ur money into your account and you can use it for what ever you neex
use sites like fiverr to pay yourself,ofc you have to pay the processing fee but you will get the money into your paypal a/c.
Hmmmmm...there I was thinking Nigeria had issues but I have seen a worst country itself. What is illegal here for something you worked for? What sort of rule is this? Sweden has no freedom for the lesser person.

Anyways, DM me for direct transfer to your desired VCC for $1 or a totally new CC shipped to your doorstep in 4-6 days for $30-$45 or $4 in 60days which you can leave empty till it reaches you to avoid snooping noses.
lol it sounds like the work you were doing was illegal to begin with... or wouldn't be legal. Not gonna ask questions, ofc. It's your business.

Gah it's almost amusing to read how dealing with BTC is almost as dangerous as dealing with cocaine LOLOLOL.

you know, some wallets allow debit cards so you can use cashback to withdraw $300 in btc everyday?