Google update now?


Elite Member
Jan 21, 2015
Reaction score
Does someone noticed any major google dance these days? All my sites positions are moving strongly since 3 days.
Yes, Couple A Week Going On My Many Clients Projects Keyword i See All Are Dancing, I think Google Going To Updated..
Nothing note-worthy my end. Google dance is part-and-parcel of SEO, doesn't mean there's been an 'update'.
Saw a high competitive local KW i've been ranking 3# the past month drop to #23, just checked it now it's back to #4. Don't know if there's any correlation
Nothing note-worthy my end. Google dance is part-and-parcel of Seo, doesn't mean there's been an algorithm refresh.

You'r right but, a one year is going on google are not updated so now possible.. :)
Yeah ive noticed over a couple niches a good amount of dancing but could just be normal not sure.
I've noticed some dancing around on one keyword only. That keyword went from #10 to #90 and then back to #10 within 24 hour period and that was a high volume keyword. Other than that, nothing else out of the ordinary. Most keywords jump around one or two spots on a regular basis.
There has not been any major update from Google yet, and i know that Google always dances.

Sites moves almost every week, changes position, but if there's a major update, well, you'll see people confirming it.

Just normal movement.
yea ive noticed some keyword dancing this week, always between position 20 and 10, all week long.
Nothing unusual across the rankings I track
my trafic dropped since 3-4 days ago. i think google will update its algorithm.
Yup, I see major fluctuations in one of my sites. My other sites weren't affected as of yet. Might be a simple dance.
A few of my websites that are all ranking on the to 10s for their primary keywords have vanished and some are dancing heavily. So yes, google is doing something.
Google is sending mass messages on WMT for sites that are not mobile-friendly. Probably that's the reason some of you are experiencing some fluctuations. No changes at my end so far.
Nothing fancy here with the sites and kws I am tracking.