Google Sites any experience?

Registered Member
Jan 29, 2010
Reaction score
I just discovered Google Sites.
You can build a free website there.
Is it new or is it just me that didn't knew Google Sites yet?
Have anyone expiernce with ranking and backlinks of a Google Site?
Google Sites have been around quite sometime. About a year.. year and a half ago, I did some tests and found they didn't do all that great on their own (aka nothing too special about them.) I also found their limitations to be a reason to not use them. I feel you're better off using another free service on a high authority domain.
That was my first site ever built and I can tell you that it does do well. There are limitations as stated above but I used this for a local business and had no issues with it. I was able to rank in the top 3 nationally for a competitive keyword. For IM I would not use it.