Google Panda Update 24 released


Jul 19, 2012
Reaction score
Google Panda Update 24 has been confirmed....

This time they hit approx 1.2% English queries.
which means that they dropped keywords in millions.

My site gt affected too..... :(
Fuck google, they can suck on this balls. Lol
Why google is doing this? All our hard works just go invain :s
No major changes on my side. Actually some of the domains went few spots up in serps.
Well the update is still being rolled out the SERP would show the affect generally in next 24-48hrs. Fingers crossed.
One of my sites have been hit. First page for some of its keywords is now full of scientific articles and Google books about the subject. Has anyone else seen something similar happen to their keywords?
I thought I noticed some differences the other day. Kinda figured that's what happened.
One of my sites (completely white hat site) lost very little in terms of average ranking for its keywords, but European visits seems to have dropped by nearly 80%. US gone up a bit. Site is in English so suspecting weight on google national searches has shifted somewhat in favour of national sites.
Well, mine are still up and sticked with super glue on their positions :) That's because I'm not a sheep.
I was wondering why our site dropped slightly in the rankings. I decided to write a couple new blog posts, 89 total, all unique as I am commenting on other posts that I have read (400 words each no target keyword). I also spun one of these so its completely legible and let GSA SER do its thing. Since the drop 2 days ago, the rankings are slowly going up for the main keywords I am targeting. I also quoted my post on my tumblr blog and blasted that as well with GSA. The competition in the main keyword I want are schools, wiki and companies that have been around for 40+ years.

The other thing I did was finally install W3 total cache and setup the site to use cloudflare.