It's extremely easy actually. My site just got in Google News yesterday and is slowly getting syndicated to other media outlets + submitted to 30,000 journalists.
It costs $80 and this guy will do it for you:
Our business has also been on CBS TV. One of their popular TV shows (I'd rather not mention) and we got 15 minutes of national air time. Then we had to beg the producer for a backlink and they gave us a nice pr4 link.
However.... I haven't been that impressed by the press we've gotten. Like initially when we air'd on CBS I thought "this is it, we're gonna make a fortune". And sure, we got 64 phone calls in the 2 weeks that followed the rebroadcasting of that show. But only 2 leads converted. It took *3 months* of screening and phonecalls from the producer just to get accepted and we wasted all that time for 2 sales and 1 pr 3 link. Overall the traffic was some of the shittiest, most unqualified traffic we ever got. Only good thing I can say about that experience is it certainly helps conversions to say you were on CBS TV.
Then there's Google news. Yesterday was our first PR ever (CBS found us, we never did a PR for them to find us). And even though we're in G news ... I'm not impressed by that either. We're in a somewhat isolated niche and traffic only increased about 10% for 1 day then today it's back to normal. And since the increase was so nominal I can't even say the PR is what caused it.
Things *might* change over the next 2 weeks. We might get more bursts of traffic, rankings may change, I really don't know what to expect.
But right now I'm not expecting much and I personally think it was a waste of $80. I base everything on ROI. If our keywords don't jump in the next couple weeks, if we don't see some increase in traffic than that's a waste of money in my eyes. I'd much rather put that $80 towards 8 expired domains for my PBN. But again, it's still early so I don't wanna bash a service that just delivered 24 hours ago. He did deliver exactly what he promised but you really have to ask yourself "why does Google news matter? what is it gonna REALLY do for our biz? is it just hyped up cause it's got the word "Google"? are there better ways we can spend that $80"? etc etc.
Granted, we CAN say now "we've been on CBS, we've been in Google News, XXX news, XXX news," and I'm sure that will help conversions but we never noticed a huge increase in conversions after we started using CBS in our marketing material and sales pitch. What trumps all of that shit is good old fashioned copywriting and a stellar sales pitch.