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Google new update?


Power Member
Jul 16, 2011
Reaction score
Has Google just done a new update or what?
My friends websites were deindexed, not only one friend but couple of friends.
My website is ok.
Dont know whats going on there is no official announcement but lost like 5 keywords' first page positions in a day all with very good backlinks and the other site on which i dont do anything hit the first page for like 4-5 good keywords what kind of update is this
It's all a mess. It has been up and down since around 17th. I have kept rank for a WH site for long tail keywords and lost ranking on all of the really good, short keywords. These were keywords I was getting 10-15% CTR on so people considered my site very relevant. Google has messed up big f'ing time.

This comes on top of the loss of nearly all image search traffic (see http://www.blackhatworld.com/blackh...age-search-why-you-may-have-lost-traffic.html ). All in all a site with 350k pageviews and 200 or so articles completely gone. Nada. Zip, fucking zero, doughnut, nada, niente, rien fucking left. 12 months and thousands of dollars in text and video content. Ka-boom.

Read online that the easiest way to go was to hang oneself in piano wire, but I couldn't get my head inside the piano.
Nope, I don't think Google Update today' without any announcement by Matt..

Its true I think, Google has indeed lost the fuckin plot. Hopefuly they will realize that there are many innocent casualties with there fuckin about with results and HOPEFULLY they have made backups of the Algos when they need to reinstall them through there incompetence.
Yeah it's been going on for weeks. I think it has something to do with either the PR update coming up, or a huge new update coming up. The only thing you can do is wait and see.
On my end, all of my clients sites are holding up just fine, and even increasing. These are real offline companies just fyi.
I don't think so. Not because Google has slowed the frequency of updates, but because of the increased volatility of the updates. They are updating every second, they always were. The only thing (and this is big) is the real-time effect of those updates. The updates are so much more saturated that it's hard to differentiate from when the update happens and when Google says it happened.

PS, there was a lot of fluctuation in rankings in last 2 days:

My sites have been moving strangely lately. I have one whitehat site that went from rank 1 to 3 and almost all of my blackhat sites went up in rankings. I guess my competitors were doing some bad SEO, hence the improvement in rankings, but I don't understand why my only whitehat site dropped rankings after being #1 for months. Does anyone else think Penguin and such is a lot of hype? I had 2/22 sites deindexed and that was because I did ridiculous blasts to them.
My sites have been moving strangely lately. I have one whitehat site that went from rank 1 to 3 and almost all of my blackhat sites went up in rankings. I guess my competitors were doing some bad SEO, hence the improvement in rankings, but I don't understand why my only whitehat site dropped rankings after being #1 for months. Does anyone else think Penguin and such is a lot of hype? I had 2/22 sites deindexed and that was because I did ridiculous blasts to them.

Practically everyone with complete WH sites I speak to says their rankings have dropped and there are many comments abut extremely spammy sites ranking on 1st (see some other Google jan update threads on this forum). Either google has reversed some previous changes to the algo and is again putting more weight on anchor texts, or we are just seeing the result of google preparing a major change.
Everyday someone posts ANOTHER one of these threads after the continuous updates began this last month. Is everyone against using the search bar at this point on the site or what?