Google Local Question From Noob


Oct 18, 2008
Reaction score

I wonder if anyone can point me in the right direction here.

I know that google wants (prefers) a local number on a "local" website.

My client has multiple numbers, i.e., one for say, the restaurant reservations, one for catering, one for takeout.

What are googs requirements for those phone numbers (they are all local) vis a vis local listings? Can I assume that as long as we have the main number (reservations) listed in phone books/other local sites/domain reg, that we can have as many other numbers as we need? I will also make sure that the main number (reservations) is in the footer (wordpress).

Bear with the noob please, and thanks.
You want the phone number that is going to be on the website, main phone number to also be the number that you list with google.

I am not 100% sure what you are asking. If that does not answer your question, please pm me and I will have another go at your question.
It's that simple? I just list that local number with google, make sure it is on the website, and then add as many other numbers as I want?

Duh...what a noob I yam.

Pretty much. The thing with a google locals listing is they want to make sure that the listing is legit. So all of information provided needs to be the same everyone on the interweb.

The way the number is typed - (111) 000 - 0000 or 111-111-1111 needs to be the same everywhere. There are some places that you don't have control over, but the listings you do and the website need to be the same.

The same goes for the address and every other part of the listing. Just make sure everything is the same, and you will be good to go.

One tip - create on online commercial. Upload it to youtube and place your address and phone number along with business name in the description. then mark the map position on the video page. I truly believe this helps the listing stand out.
You da man(or woman), fvck, and thanks for the tip as well. Will try that video thang. Can I simply use one of those online video makers like Jing, or might there be something different?

Oh yeah, a tip for you, LA person. Tito's Tacos in Culver City. Rocks Out.

Thanks again.
The number should also be one that a human picks up, and not straight to message, especially if you're going to be submitting your info to alot of business directories or using submission services like