Google Analytics vs Getclicky


Power Member
Sep 17, 2011
Reaction score
I have read at various times that if you are doing something greyish with your sites you should not install Google Analytics as this gives up all kinds of info to google. I saw this question asked on SEnuke Underground and here was the response Jeremy Ashburn:

"Google?s number 1 priority is to link searchers to good quality, relevant web pages. Using Analytics has never caused me an issue. You also need to keep in mind that if at some stage in the future you decide to sell your site, most buyers will only accept Google Analytics for reliable traffic stats."

I thought this was a big no no. What are people's thoughts on this? I am considering using getclicky. What are people's experiences with that?
Personally, I prefer clicky. It gives me better real-time information on my sites, which allows me to make regular adjustments anyhow.
I prefer GetClicky because it provides real-time information. It has been reliable.
I use both.

GetClicky is better for real-time analytics.
G00Gle Analytics is better for historical data -- as it contains more overall info in my opinion.
getclicky seems to offer more information about the site visitors. is this unlimited free?

if your website gets under a google manual review you never know which ressources the reviewer can use. i would stay away from any google tools, especially if you have more than one site.
If you have Adsense on your site then they can track all the data anyway, with or without Analytics
I would recommend getclicky to anyone.

Been using it for some time now without any problems
getclicky seems to offer more information about the site visitors. is this unlimited free?

It's free until you go passed the pageview limit. Here's the pricing plans:
analytics is the best anyway....i also use extremetracking
G.A do not have detail information about every visitor, further Log custom data for every visitor (usernames, emails, etc) is maintained. Both of the utilities are not availalble in google analytics.