Good torrent


Senior Member
Mar 4, 2009
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Any good torrents beside Piratebay and Mininova? I tried other but they are not even close like those two.
TPB and Mini are the biggest of the public trackers indeed. Maybe look at summotorrent and h33t. After that look to the private trackers.
I plan to upload things. How does isohunt works it's more like a board
isohunt is pretty good for me, there used to be a good torrent engine out there, but got shut down due to law suits. they made millions, even billions from it, torrentspy. started in the UK, denied the US service because of the law suits, now they are gone. so try, isohunt and torrentscan, or you can find an invite to demonoid
Biztorrents is actually pretty cool.
Found it while looking for a Demonoid alternative.
If you are looking to upload then its the trackers that are most important and if you want the torrents to get fast traffic then its TPB and mininova that you want to focus in on. is very nice. Always has the freshness ;)
i find btjunkie to be one of the best. make it easy to sort out the BS files.
Posted via Mobile Device
when you upload torrents on mininova or tbp they will be indexed in minutes on sites like sumotorrent,btjunkie,isohunt and in alot more sites except the private ones like h33t, the best idea is to go directly to mininova and piratebay..
EZTV is good to download TV Shows.
head over to torrentz[dot]com and search for what you are uploading and see what sites have some similar things