Good advertiser whitelists your site


Dec 17, 2019
Reaction score
Difficult to explain so excuse title.

If I could guarantee a company with a huge programmatic advertising budget would add my site to their whitelist, what would be the best way to show banner ads to earn the most money from their high CPM budgets? e.g which network should I use (adsense, exoclick, media net)?
Popups are the best. As for networks, depends on what you do. You have to find the right one yourself, to test your traffic. That's why is called A/B testing and you should do it.
If the advertiser has a bid on their side of say $10CPM, how much do you think I could potentially get from that?
Depends on their cut, usually from 30-50%, and what the advertiser looks for. He might want only users with Firefox on iOS.
Not really, depends on how big they are and how many staff they have. You have to look into their TOS. I've seen a network a few days ago, with only 5% their cut, but I can't remember it now.