Giving up? Feeling that stuff wont work? How do you...


Nov 8, 2011
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It is generally believed that persistence is the key to success right?

But sometimes people feel discouraged and don't seem to be able to keep up and feel like surrendering.

Perspective? Success? Belief? Strength? Must we have these things to keep on trying? How do you keep on going? It's a lot easier said than done.

I find it hard to believe that I can make money using just my own power a lot of the time. People just usually say that you need more motivation and that if you keep working at it you'll eventually see success.

I just don't feel it applies to me. I reckon cause I'm still too piss weak mentally but I can't change my thinking fast enough even though I try. You know what, damn being successful right now, I just want to go through each day without losing my fighting spirit. People can't really tell you about all the steps in between, like how to motivate yourself when you fail, or stay strong when you lost a lot of money. I got no one really to talk to about these types of things either. I just don't communicate it right in real life. So where do I talk? In BHW of course, cause I don't know where the heck else I would even have a chance of getting a decent reply on the Internet.

The question is, what the hell can a newb like me do to really start being persistent? Heck if I know, my minds blank and thinking about it all makes my head hurt.

Hah, I reckon these kind of threads come out all the time on BHW, but sometimes it really helps to have someone tell you directly, something like 'Suck it up kid and keep going' right to your face to make you feel like you actually exist, y'know?

I'm tired, and I'm going to bed cause it's late where I live. But first I'll leave you my list of how I motivate myself to keep trying:

- ...

As you can see, its blank at the moment. But it shouldn't be, cause I'm hoping to fill it up. BHW, a little help for a struggling small timer?

A great thanks to those who do eventually read and reply, you deserve more than the time it took you to read this rant. You don't have to reply, but it means a lot to me if you can provide input.

And to all those out there reading this who feel like me, well, you're not alone.

- DCGaming
The best motivator is making money. Once you see that first commission/sale come in, that will motivate you to get another. And that second sale will motivate you to get a third and so on. So my advice is that you set your aim at making your first buck online. Once you do that, the snowball effect will set in. The idea here is to aim for something you feel is reachable, because if a goal seems unreachable, it's difficult to get motivated to do work.

If you're a native english speaker, I can help you out with your first buck. My name is gemmemoney on skype. Add me if you're interested.
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(Relatively) simple solution. You need a goal. Seems like you're just starting out and don't really have a proper goal in mind (something that will sustain you when things get tough and you feel like you do now!).

GimmeMoney clearly has a goal - making money. What's yours?

My suggestion - take a few days and think about your goals. What do you want, I mean REALLY want?
The key is imagination. If you imagine yoursekf sitting in a brand new lamborghini, if you can feel it then motivation is automatically created. You just have to imagine something you reallx want, you must want it bad enough to give everything for achieving your dream. At least this is my technique. If you feel rich and think you are rich, you become rich
Set a goal and set it high, if you dont reach it at least you set it high and still did good for yourself.
Keep going, I've been at it for 8 years, and still improving. Change doesn't happen overnight. If you want it, you may have to make some sacrifices, like old long held beliefs, and people who are not supportive. If you have anyone in your life who's not happy for any little success you have, or seems jealous, don't share with them, you don't need to be a crab in a bucket. Also, pay attention to yourself, and your own reactions. Do you sense any resistance? If so, confront it, be nice to yourself, and forge ahead. But have fun! Get a little crazy and creative! If you stress too much, and make things hard, well, is that worth it? What you put into your work will show on the other end, and customers don't want stress and doubt. The life we get handed is often like a tangled ball of string.... it may take some time to get it all straightened out, and useful! Keep going! :cool:
You make a buck,ten bucks,a hundred bucks..everything is scalable!As long as you work/invest smart,there is no reason to procrastinate,over-think,do nothing,but work towards you goals.
Simple as that!
WTF? !

That's the bullshit part of your brain talking. Success is about believing in yourself. Think about some of the rich people you may have seen or dealt with personally. Some of them are fucking morons. They have no clue what's going on and by mere luck have become wealthy. That's partly my motivation. If some stupid fuck can drive around in a brand new porsche then I can.

Yes, being persistence is key but what you're doing isn't working then for fuck sakes man change it.

Believe, believe, believe. I haven't had a real job in years. I don't even really 'work' anymore. I have feet up all day. At lunch I take a little time and go to the gym. If I like something I buy it. I didn't get where I am by 'luck'. I got here because I believed I wasn't the type of person that could work for anyone.

Read this:

There's a ton of material out there to motivate you and assist you in becoming rich. Try anything you can hands on. Download motivational material from torrent sites. Just keep adding positive messages to your brain. You will succeed.
You guys are simply outstanding, thank you for all the positive replies. I will try my best to keep going and will post back here again if I manage to achieve something.

@ GimmeMoney Unfortunately although I have acceptable English skills I do not regard myself as a native writer (I lost many offers after attempting to work for demanding clients) so I don't believe this is my area of expertise that I should focus on.
We need DamageX to jump in here, I don't know what it is but the one to two liners that he spits out always get me fired up.

I remember a while back one of my sites dropped big in rankings and I was basically looking for reassurance that it would come back, nice people popped in and said that it would but DamageX said "Congrats to the winners." That stuck with me and haunted me, I worked my ass off and starting outsourcing for the first time since I wanted to be the "winner". Now my site is in the top spots on the first page.

Seriously, just read his latest posts, it's comical:

Just browse that page, you don't need to go to the actual threads.
Once you start to make some money, no matter how much, you will realize that it is something that is possible.
@Mark The link you posted doesn't seem to be working. But I think I have gathered enough from what you posted, and I'm glad to hear about how that lead to your eventual recovery. I'm not looking for reassurance or people to say nice things but rather open my mind to different perspectives.
dcgaming bro I am in the same position and mindset as yours.. but trust me giving up is the easiest thing in life.. regretting giving up is not.. a few years down the line if you just choose to give up your mind may start haunting you with the classical line..

"What if?"..

Do not give up and try and believe in yourself... anyone can get anything if they truly desire it.. TRULY!!.
Learn how to ' not thinking ' . My way to stop think about fail : Find a great cake ( not expensive , which you like ) , eat and go to sleep , after this , you will feel great and keep doing what you doing and thinking what you thinking .
@Mark The link you posted doesn't seem to be working. But I think I have gathered enough from what you posted, and I'm glad to hear about how that lead to your eventual recovery. I'm not looking for reassurance or people to say nice things but rather open my mind to different perspectives.

Be honest DC, this IM thing was alot harder and the money takes alot longer to come then you thought it would be, huh?

The only reason why you would need motivation is because somewhere in the back of your mind, you didn't think it would be this hard, or take this much time and effort to see some results from your efforts.
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As other's have said the first sale or two sales make you want more once you have that and found something or anything that works it leads you to make more you almost get a hunger for it I would describe it as.

I would personally look at ways to make money and invest as little as possible. The way I see it is you spend what you've earnt for stuff to make you more money.
As other's have said the first sale or two sales make you want more once you have that and found something or anything that works it leads you to make more you almost get a hunger for it I would describe it as.

I would personally look at ways to make money and invest as little as possible. The way I see it is you spend what you've earnt for stuff to make you more money.
You need a solid plan.

You might of read too much and too superficial to come up with a solid plan.

I think if you know what to do.... and do it a bit at a time... you can keep on going when you fail. Because you will fail. That is part of the game.

I believe the reason people fail at IM is that they know or read too much about too many topics... and not enough about one thing.

Good Luck.
That's almost correct with what I'm feeling, its more like I knew it was going to be hard, it's just I don't know how to come to terms with myself to face the challenge at the moment. I only mentioned motivation because it seems to me that everyone links it with success.

No one walks into the IM scene with their head up high thinking that they can do it all and expect to make money and do so without taking a few (or a lot) of hits to the face. That's the same with any other walk of life, right? We all start somewhere...

And everyone else who has been replying, I have read each of your posts and take everything into consideration, I value your thoughts and would send out more 'Thanks' but I don't want this to be seen as a spam thread where everyone who posts just gets one.

Be honest DC, this IM thing was alot harder and the money takes alot longer to come then you thought it would be, huh?

The only reason why you would need motivation is because somewhere in the back of your mind, you didn't think it would be this hard, or take this much time and effort to see some results from your efforts.

I would personally look at ways to make money and invest as little as possible. The way I see it is you spend what you've earnt for stuff to make you more money.

Exactly. And a lot of money has been lost this way. Which leads me to think that I'm just simply bad at business.
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Honestly, the first thing I'd tell you, is to remember that first and foremost (at least when you're just starting off), Internet Marketing IS a job! There is no true "Press this and do nothing else to get rich quick" button. You actually need to work at it, and work hard. I'm sure damn near everyone at this forum has had a point where their brain told them they'd probably be better off giving up on it. Someone told me here that Internet Marketing is fun, which it really is, but only if you allow it to be. Allow it to be fun for you, like an online video game, but with a real-life economy and money to be earned, depending on the tactics you use and the imagination that surrounds them.

Whenever I need a boost of motivation (which probably won't happen for a while), I imagine where I am now. I imagine where I'd be in 10 years if I did nothing, and then I'd imagine what my (and others' lives) could be like in 10 years as a successful Internet Marketer. Again, this also requires imagination. I can't tell you how you'd see your own life in 10 years after doing nothing -- only you can. But whatever future you can see for yourself, if the Internet Marketing success shines brighter, then chase it! Chase it with every ambition of not ending up how you'd be in 10 years of doing nothing.