Getting Into CPA-LEAD - How Easy Is It...???


Junior Member
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
Is it worth it - are they any good..?
I see you have to give em yer legit phone # and then verify it too.
and they have and option to select if you dont have a website, which I dont ATM, but they ask how you will get people to complete surveys though..
Im currently with adscend-media and want to see how the diff networks vary..
Any Tips on getting into CPA-LEAD...?
What is the process like - how long does it usually take ect..?
What is your experience like with CPAL..?
stick to adscendmedia, i moved from *******
am with cpa-lead for almost two years, had once a issue, but that was my failure when i hade some adult content locked with their gateway, so they baned my account, but after some talking and explaining all the things, they unbaned me and paid me my 2.8k earned there, and always getting paid day earlier. So far they are good, just their epc is sux for usa.
am with cpa-lead for almost two years, had once a issue, but that was my failure when i hade some adult content locked with their gateway, so they baned my account, but after some talking and explaining all the things, they unbaned me and paid me my 2.8k earned there, and always getting paid day earlier. So far they are good, just their epc is sux for usa.

sounds nice cpa!
what program do u use?
Your better off getting content locker pro with other better networks like strongerads & peerfly
I would avoid cpa-lead after what happened last year with them scamming many of their members. Do a search for it on BHW, I think there's quite a few shitlist threads.
I was denied by ******* make sure you say the rights things cos apparently I didn't. I had a DM conversation with an affiliate manager explaining my content locking ideas in great detail but was denied because my current web sites we "not what they were looking for"
LOL Guess I am censored because my post count is too low? Oh the perils of being a n00b.
They just canceled my account when they decided it with some $ into it!!and i never returned there !!
No thanks CPA Lead. OP, advise you to stick with adscendmedia, neverblue, blamads...
It's easy , I applied 3 days ago, got accepted yesterday. Just provide a valid telephone number and describe a way how you will make the ppl fill out the surveys. If it sounds possible then they will accept you.
the point is that ******* sucks.. shitty offers and the same offer you can find elsewhere that dont shave as much as them. just my 2 cents
If you are making more than $0.08 per day then just split test between adscend/cpal/blam and keep the highest earner.
I heard once you get in you dont get out (with $ just a hard pounding to your ass and confidence)
******* sucks, this is one of the worst CPA companies to work for. Their EPC is terrible, AMs are terrible, they wont payout once you start earning, and they sell your information. Like someone mentioned earlier it is smarter to just use a custom content locker such as content lock pro. There is a reason ******* is censored when mentioned in this forum, steer clear from them unless you want to give them your traffic and waste your time and money.