Getting External Page Viral!


Registered Member
Jun 17, 2010
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Hey guys, you no the new external fan pages well i can code them very well and Ive seen allot of them go viral very easy as the user needs to share the content on there profiles to continue.

Well i haven't had much luck with getting any of mine viral, if theirs anyone who reads this thread who has traffic that has potential of making these pages go viral i would like to do a JV with them.

In return i will code as many of these external sites as they like, i don't mind using my site so you don't have to buy a domain or anything!

I personally think someone with good traffic together we could make a really good amount of month if we work hard :)

Please pm me if interested i am very trust worthy as well :)
I will say external pages right now are a great way to go because facebook will delete normal fan pages so easily... it happens to me around 8k fans every time but I will admit im using a viral "clickjacking" script which facebook hates so its not surprising it gets deleted. Wish I could help ya out on the traffic part but thats where I lack... I am focusing on more longer term methods right now but also revisiting facebook to see how I could do external.
Yeah external pages are the way to go now.

Facebook at the moment is a hit/run thing since they're pulling down pages so fast.

The one's that are earning huge with FB at the moment are people that are investing 100's in updates, collecting the cash overnight and probably seeing their pages down in the morning that's how it goes.
Yeah external pages are the way to go now.

Facebook at the moment is a hit/run thing since they're pulling down pages so fast.

The one's that are earning huge with FB at the moment are people that are investing 100's in updates, collecting the cash overnight and probably seeing their pages down in the morning that's how it goes.

whjat you guys need to do is try and get a few pages (non monetised) that have some sort of forced invite when you hit say 10k fans remove the forced invite script and start sending out decent funny and commentable wall posts (no spamming) this will bring users to your page and over a few weeks this 10k will grow to about 20-30k then you can start using this to send out updates along with your decent wall posts
do this over 10 pages and you are well set to push any new monetised page with invite/share scripts into viral mode easy

it takes time to build your own little FB empire but worth it as each page you create has a fighting chance of making you monet b4 it gets deleted
And what's the best method to promote external page? Status updates?
any one who wants to get in jv ples pm me i have a loads of fb accounts becuse i sell them with frnds
status updates is the way to go to get a exturnal page to go viral