[GET] Wordpress Security Protection Against Hackers and Crackers (Kindle Edition)


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Book Description

Publication Date: April 12, 2012
Wordpress Security

Is your Wordpress website REALLY as safe as you think it is??

Your Wordpress Website Might Be At Risk Of Being Hacked!
Discover The Easy Steps You Can Take To Secure Your Website And Keep It Virtually Hack-Proof

If you?re like most people these days, you always go the extra step to keep yourself, your loved ones, and your possessions safe. You probably lock your doors at night? maybe you even have a home security system. You might have a car alarm installed as well. If I looked at your computer, I?d probably find an antivirus and a running firewall.

That covers everything, right? WRONG!

Too many people overlook the security of their websites. Whether you?re using Wordpress as a personal blog or a way to secure income, chances are you?re putting your website at risk of hackers. In fact, tens of thousands of websites just like yours are hacked each year ? why? Nobody really knows except the hackers themselves.

Some hackers are looking to steal your money, others are out for a laugh, but most of them are simply out to practice their techniques so they can hack bigger and more important websites like PayPal, Amazon, Ebay, and Facebook.

When your website it hacked it can be very difficult to regain full control of it and restore it? so prevention is vital! Fortunately, preventing hackers from getting a hold of your websites involves only a few simple changes which I?m ready to share with you in my new guide?

?Wordpress Security: Protection From Hackers?
By Lambert Klein

I?ve written several books about Wordpress in the past, but none so far have been as important as this one. When you?re creating your Wordpress website, security should be a top priority ? and if you?re not already doing everything you can to keep your website safe, following the easy steps I outline in this book will transform your website into Fort Knox.

Sneaking a peek inside, you?ll discover?

?How to get into the mind of a hacker and discover what they want from your website
?The difference between hackers and crackers and how they both affect the security of your site
?Their motivations for wanting to hack your website
?The steps you can take to stop hackers in their tracks
?How to back up your website?s information for easy retrieval
?What to do in the worst case scenario ? you?re hacked!
?How to easily outsource your security tasks
?DDoS and what to do if you?re attacked
?How to beat the hackers at their own game
?A simple password trick that makes your accounts virtually uncrackable
??and much more!

Found this from other site. I got it for free, too :)