[GET] Merry Christmas - domain giveaway


Elite Member
Oct 5, 2009
Reaction score
I have a few domain names expiring in the next few weeks that I am not interested in keeping. About 10 or so, about half are dot com's and the rest are dot info's. Some are regged at godaddy, some at internet dot bs. One or two may be at another registrar, but most are at either GD or dot bs.

So, in the spirit of the holidays, I'm offering these names for free push to an account of yours at the same registrar they're at currently. Caveats:

1 - one name per person

2 - the only catch is I ask that if I give you a name, you do something decent for another this holiday season in exchange for the name; the world is pretty bad, try to make it a bit better; "another" could be a person, a group, an animal, me, whatever. Just try to make the world a bit less horrible.

Let me know if you want the list of names and to be considered for a name.
Not really after any domains at the moment, but thanks and rep for the offer.
Let me know what names you have available. Thank you for the offer.
Would love to have a .com if possible. Am registered at Godaddy. :)
can you count me in for a .com please?
May I have a doman please and thank you so much! I am all for helping people, kids , animals and all the above
Count me in for a domain please sir. Im game for the whole idea :D
I need 1 .com please..

Merry Christmas! Hohoho..

Sent you a PM.. :)
Would list to receive the list as well. + rep & thanks given for contributing. Its always good to see this.
Okay I think I've replied to and started working with everyone who replied here via PM, if I missed you let me know.
Merry christmas,i'll also like a domain too.probably a good .com is best.pm you right away.
If there are any more domains at godaddy, I would like a .com too if possible
More replies sent out via PM and a few more domain names added to the giveaway pool after further analysis of them. Let me know if you're still interested. Will catch up on the replies in a few hours.