[GET] Javascript POPUNDER script, Monetize your traffic through popups / popunder


Regular Member
Aug 21, 2011
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[var puShown = false;
var PopWidth = 1370;
var PopHeight = 800;
var PopFocus = 0;
var _Top = null;

function GetWindowHeight() {
    var myHeight = 0;
    if (typeof (_Top.window.innerHeight) == 'number') {
        myHeight = _Top.window.innerHeight;
    } else if (_Top.document.documentElement && _Top.document.documentElement.clientHeight) {
        myHeight = _Top.document.documentElement.clientHeight;
    } else if (_Top.document.body && _Top.document.body.clientHeight) {
        myHeight = _Top.document.body.clientHeight;
    return myHeight;

function GetWindowWidth() {
    var myWidth = 0;
    if (typeof (_Top.window.innerWidth) == 'number') {
        myWidth = _Top.window.innerWidth;
    } else if (_Top.document.documentElement && _Top.document.documentElement.clientWidth) {
        myWidth = _Top.document.documentElement.clientWidth;
    } else if (_Top.document.body && _Top.document.body.clientWidth) {
        myWidth = _Top.document.body.clientWidth;
    return myWidth;

function GetWindowTop() {
    return (_Top.window.screenTop != undefined) ? _Top.window.screenTop : _Top.window.screenY;

function GetWindowLeft() {
    return (_Top.window.screenLeft != undefined) ? _Top.window.screenLeft : _Top.window.screenX;

function doOpen(url) {
    var popURL = "about:blank"
    var popID = "ad_" + Math.floor(89999999 * Math.random() + 10000000);
    var pxLeft = 0;
    var pxTop = 0;
    pxLeft = (GetWindowLeft() + (GetWindowWidth() / 2) - (PopWidth / 2));
    pxTop = (GetWindowTop() + (GetWindowHeight() / 2) - (PopHeight / 2));

    if (puShown == true) {
        return true;

    var PopWin = _Top.window.open(popURL, popID, 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=1,location=1,statusbar=1,menubar=0,resizable=1,top=' + pxTop + ',left=' + pxLeft + ',width=' + PopWidth + ',height=' + PopHeight);

    if (PopWin) {
        puShown = true;

        if (PopFocus == 0) {

            if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("applewebkit") > -1) {

        PopWin.Init = function (e) {

            with(e) {

                Params = e.Params;
                Main = function () {

                    if (typeof window.mozPaintCount != "undefined") {
                        var x = window.open("about:blank");


                    var popURL = Params.PopURL;

                    try {
                    } catch (err) {}

                    window.location = popURL;


        PopWin.Params = {
            PopURL: url


    return PopWin;

function setCookie(name, value, time) {
    var expires = new Date();

    expires.setTime(expires.getTime() + time);

    document.cookie = name + '=' + value + '; path=/;' + '; expires=' + expires.toGMTString();

function getCookie(name) {
    var cookies = document.cookie.toString().split('; ');
    var cookie, c_name, c_value;

    for (var n = 0; n < cookies.length; n++) {
        cookie = cookies[n].split('=');
        c_name = cookie[0];
        c_value = cookie[1];

        if (c_name == name) {
            return c_value;

    return null;

function initPu() {

    _Top = self;

    if (top != self) {
        try {
            if (top.document.location.toString()) _Top = top;
        } catch (err) {}

    if (document.attachEvent) {
        document.attachEvent('onclick', checkTarget);
    } else if (document.addEventListener) {
        document.addEventListener('click', checkTarget, false);

function checkTarget(e) {
    if (!getCookie('popundr')) {
        var e = e || window.event;
        var win = doOpen('YOUR URL HERE');

        setCookie('popundr', 1, 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);

Last edited:
NOTE: Since this is not actually a download, I have
moved this thread to the HTML & Javascript section.

Does not work in my part.
Because the code has a lot of html entities in it, like & "

cleaned code:
var puShown = false;
var PopWidth = 1370;
var PopHeight = 800;
var PopFocus = 0;
var _Top = null;

function GetWindowHeight() {
    var myHeight = 0;
    if (typeof (_Top.window.innerHeight) == 'number') {
        myHeight = _Top.window.innerHeight;
    } else if (_Top.document.documentElement && _Top.document.documentElement.clientHeight) {
        myHeight = _Top.document.documentElement.clientHeight;
    } else if (_Top.document.body && _Top.document.body.clientHeight) {
        myHeight = _Top.document.body.clientHeight;
    return myHeight;

function GetWindowWidth() {
    var myWidth = 0;
    if (typeof (_Top.window.innerWidth) == 'number') {
        myWidth = _Top.window.innerWidth;
    } else if (_Top.document.documentElement && _Top.document.documentElement.clientWidth) {
        myWidth = _Top.document.documentElement.clientWidth;
    } else if (_Top.document.body && _Top.document.body.clientWidth) {
        myWidth = _Top.document.body.clientWidth;
    return myWidth;

function GetWindowTop() {
    return (_Top.window.screenTop != undefined) ? _Top.window.screenTop : _Top.window.screenY;

function GetWindowLeft() {
    return (_Top.window.screenLeft != undefined) ? _Top.window.screenLeft : _Top.window.screenX;

function doOpen(url) {
    var popURL = "about:blank"
    var popID = "ad_" + Math.floor(89999999 * Math.random() + 10000000);
    var pxLeft = 0;
    var pxTop = 0;
    pxLeft = (GetWindowLeft() + (GetWindowWidth() / 2) - (PopWidth / 2));
    pxTop = (GetWindowTop() + (GetWindowHeight() / 2) - (PopHeight / 2));

    if (puShown == true) {
        return true;

    var PopWin = _Top.window.open(popURL, popID, 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=1,location=1,statusbar=1,menubar=0,resizable=1,top=' + pxTop + ',left=' + pxLeft + ',width=' + PopWidth + ',height=' + PopHeight);

    if (PopWin) {
        puShown = true;

        if (PopFocus == 0) {

            if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("applewebkit") > -1) {

        PopWin.Init = function (e) {

            with(e) {

                Params = e.Params;
                Main = function () {

                    if (typeof window.mozPaintCount != "undefined") {
                        var x = window.open("about:blank");


                    var popURL = Params.PopURL;

                    try {
                    } catch (err) {}

                    window.location = popURL;


        PopWin.Params = {
            PopURL: url


    return PopWin;

function setCookie(name, value, time) {
    var expires = new Date();

    expires.setTime(expires.getTime() + time);

    document.cookie = name + '=' + value + '; path=/;' + '; expires=' + expires.toGMTString();

function getCookie(name) {
    var cookies = document.cookie.toString().split('; ');
    var cookie, c_name, c_value;

    for (var n = 0; n < cookies.length; n++) {
        cookie = cookies[n].split('=');
        c_name = cookie[0];
        c_value = cookie[1];

        if (c_name == name) {
            return c_value;

    return null;

function initPu() {

    _Top = self;

    if (top != self) {
        try {
            if (top.document.location.toString()) _Top = top;
        } catch (err) {}

    if (document.attachEvent) {
        document.attachEvent('onclick', checkTarget);
    } else if (document.addEventListener) {
        document.addEventListener('click', checkTarget, false);

function checkTarget(e) {
    if (!getCookie('popundr')) {
        var e = e || window.event;
        var win = doOpen('YOUR URL HERE');

        setCookie('popundr', 1, 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);

Because the code has a lot of html entities in it, like & "

cleaned code:
var puShown = false;
var PopWidth = 1370;
var PopHeight = 800;
var PopFocus = 0;
var _Top = null;

function GetWindowHeight() {
    var myHeight = 0;
    if (typeof (_Top.window.innerHeight) == 'number') {
        myHeight = _Top.window.innerHeight;
    } else if (_Top.document.documentElement && _Top.document.documentElement.clientHeight) {
        myHeight = _Top.document.documentElement.clientHeight;
    } else if (_Top.document.body && _Top.document.body.clientHeight) {
        myHeight = _Top.document.body.clientHeight;
    return myHeight;

function GetWindowWidth() {
    var myWidth = 0;
    if (typeof (_Top.window.innerWidth) == 'number') {
        myWidth = _Top.window.innerWidth;
    } else if (_Top.document.documentElement && _Top.document.documentElement.clientWidth) {
        myWidth = _Top.document.documentElement.clientWidth;
    } else if (_Top.document.body && _Top.document.body.clientWidth) {
        myWidth = _Top.document.body.clientWidth;
    return myWidth;

function GetWindowTop() {
    return (_Top.window.screenTop != undefined) ? _Top.window.screenTop : _Top.window.screenY;

function GetWindowLeft() {
    return (_Top.window.screenLeft != undefined) ? _Top.window.screenLeft : _Top.window.screenX;

function doOpen(url) {
    var popURL = "about:blank"
    var popID = "ad_" + Math.floor(89999999 * Math.random() + 10000000);
    var pxLeft = 0;
    var pxTop = 0;
    pxLeft = (GetWindowLeft() + (GetWindowWidth() / 2) - (PopWidth / 2));
    pxTop = (GetWindowTop() + (GetWindowHeight() / 2) - (PopHeight / 2));

    if (puShown == true) {
        return true;

    var PopWin = _Top.window.open(popURL, popID, 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=1,location=1,statusbar=1,menubar=0,resizable=1,top=' + pxTop + ',left=' + pxLeft + ',width=' + PopWidth + ',height=' + PopHeight);

    if (PopWin) {
        puShown = true;

        if (PopFocus == 0) {

            if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("applewebkit") > -1) {

        PopWin.Init = function (e) {

            with(e) {

                Params = e.Params;
                Main = function () {

                    if (typeof window.mozPaintCount != "undefined") {
                        var x = window.open("about:blank");


                    var popURL = Params.PopURL;

                    try {
                    } catch (err) {}

                    window.location = popURL;


        PopWin.Params = {
            PopURL: url


    return PopWin;

function setCookie(name, value, time) {
    var expires = new Date();

    expires.setTime(expires.getTime() + time);

    document.cookie = name + '=' + value + '; path=/;' + '; expires=' + expires.toGMTString();

function getCookie(name) {
    var cookies = document.cookie.toString().split('; ');
    var cookie, c_name, c_value;

    for (var n = 0; n < cookies.length; n++) {
        cookie = cookies[n].split('=');
        c_name = cookie[0];
        c_value = cookie[1];

        if (c_name == name) {
            return c_value;

    return null;

function initPu() {

    _Top = self;

    if (top != self) {
        try {
            if (top.document.location.toString()) _Top = top;
        } catch (err) {}

    if (document.attachEvent) {
        document.attachEvent('onclick', checkTarget);
    } else if (document.addEventListener) {
        document.addEventListener('click', checkTarget, false);

function checkTarget(e) {
    if (!getCookie('popundr')) {
        var e = e || window.event;
        var win = doOpen('YOUR URL HERE');

        setCookie('popundr', 1, 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);


thank you , that code does work.
use openx to show diff popunder script per geo location.

openx gives you 100 mil monthly impressions for free
Silly question time, but where in this code is the URL that will be shown inside the popunder?
On FF 14 it fires up a popup not a popunder for me, not a popunder. Works fine in Chrome and Opera.
On mine nothing happens on Firefox.On IE it does work as a popunder though.
For FF it works when you click "anywhere" on the page, here.. Also make sure to RESTART FF each time, since the script sets a cookie and the popunder won't be fired more than once per session ;)
Doesn't seem to work in Chrome, works perfectly in IE9 and Firefox 15... but not Chrome.

Does anybody have a fix for Chrome?
how do I make this to pop up after every 1 minute instead of once every 24 hours?
And any chance to rotate the pop up url :-)?
Is there any way to set this to work after the visitor clicks anywhere on the site?