Just stumbled upon this and it maybe of help to some so...
I have been playing with IG account creation using Xprivacy for android (google it) and creating IG accounts on my phone straight from android (I have 100 vodaphone sims so switching for each account). All was good but I think I went a bit hard on my FL settings and lost 15 accounts over night (set up 1-2 days before)
I thought i would try making facebook accounts by the same method and then using the fb account to make an IG account with the thought that the account may have more trust and stability. Anyway longstory short when i inserted one of the banned accounts sims and set up a fb account then opened IG it asked me if i would like to continue with the banned account. I inserted my password, a new txt verification and boom my account was back.
So I tried with the next sim of a banned account and exactly the same again.
Hope this helps some one.
I have been playing with IG account creation using Xprivacy for android (google it) and creating IG accounts on my phone straight from android (I have 100 vodaphone sims so switching for each account). All was good but I think I went a bit hard on my FL settings and lost 15 accounts over night (set up 1-2 days before)
I thought i would try making facebook accounts by the same method and then using the fb account to make an IG account with the thought that the account may have more trust and stability. Anyway longstory short when i inserted one of the banned accounts sims and set up a fb account then opened IG it asked me if i would like to continue with the banned account. I inserted my password, a new txt verification and boom my account was back.
So I tried with the next sim of a banned account and exactly the same again.
Hope this helps some one.