Hey all! I've been browsing through this forum for a while and finally have decided to take "action" out of every thing I've learned - and hopefully things will take off in the future.
I have a few questions regarding keywords & SEO though before I start.
1) Will adding "s" and "dashes" to the words in my domain affect my standing on search engines? The domains I want for the keywords are already taken but NOT their plural forms with dashes. The registered "good" domains aren't even on google search results.
so I guess i'm wondering if my keyword is say "john wayne" & the domain "johnwayne" is taken, would "john-waynes" do any good as an 'acceptable' domain for SEO - provided that when you search for "john wayne" on google, the johnwayne domain doesn't even pop up.
2) What about net domains? how are they in terms of getting ranked? if the main co-m counterpart is nowhere to be found on Google?
3) How long is a typical wait before a decent website becomes decently ranked on Google provided I do only basic SEO & not a whole lot of spamming blogs/forums, etc..
looking for some fast answer as I want to get started asap!
I have a few questions regarding keywords & SEO though before I start.
1) Will adding "s" and "dashes" to the words in my domain affect my standing on search engines? The domains I want for the keywords are already taken but NOT their plural forms with dashes. The registered "good" domains aren't even on google search results.
so I guess i'm wondering if my keyword is say "john wayne" & the domain "johnwayne" is taken, would "john-waynes" do any good as an 'acceptable' domain for SEO - provided that when you search for "john wayne" on google, the johnwayne domain doesn't even pop up.
2) What about net domains? how are they in terms of getting ranked? if the main co-m counterpart is nowhere to be found on Google?
3) How long is a typical wait before a decent website becomes decently ranked on Google provided I do only basic SEO & not a whole lot of spamming blogs/forums, etc..
looking for some fast answer as I want to get started asap!