Game review website needs revenue ideas


Junior Member
Oct 24, 2013
Reaction score
I run a video game review website. We get about 150 UV daily, with a 60% return rate. We have over 2k pages of unique content, and very little backlinking or any other SEO.
I'm looking for a person to help with rankings and/or monetization. It currently makes about $1 a day :(
Thread Approved.
I can help you monetize you site. Hit me on skype: hugocbarroso
I run a video game review website. We get about 150 UV daily, with a 60% return rate. We have over 2k pages of unique content, and very little backlinking or any other SEO.
I'm looking for a person to help with rankings and/or monetization. It currently makes about $1 a day :(

What type of monetization you use right now?