Gaining Blogspot traffic


Dec 21, 2009
Reaction score
So i made a blogspot about health and nutrition. Adsense relevancy is finally coming around however I have trouble with traffic. I am trying to get as many followers on twitter as i can so i can network these people to my delicious bookmarks to banklink my blogspot. But getting followers is slow and tedious. I need a more efficient way to establish traffic. Any recommendations are appreciated.
target big ppl on twitter that is in the health and nutrition field. interact with them. relationship with ppl can be an important part in this case. are you doing SEO or just social traffic?
target big ppl on twitter that is in the health and nutrition field. interact with them. relationship with ppl can be an important part in this case. are you doing SEO or just social traffic?
Yeah i search googe site: "diabetes" or something relevant with the ads being displayed on my blogspot
in this days, many traffic is coming from social media, like twitter, facebook, fridnster etc..if you can build great social media, i think it will be great on your blog...and i think, if you use's already seo frienly because that's belong to google, all you need is submit your post in social bookmark (doit manually because blogspot cannot use plugin like wordpress) and keep posting unique article, it will be bring some traffic constanty
@donnaldtrump hm ok but they arent biting?clicking you ads?
Use xrumer it'll bring you traffic, plus blog comments, rss submit, and bookmarking
Donaldtrump, can you explain to me why adding twitter followers to your delicious network is a good idea?
When you make a new post on your blog do bookmark the same post ur to as many possible social bookmark site you will see result very soon