Fruits of my Labour!


Regular Member
Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
So I made my second purchase with IM earnings. The first is the TV you can see in the background, and the second? A gaming computer for my boyfriend.

I figure we've been together for 3 years now and in that time I have literally never seen him buy himself anything from clothes, to gadgets. So after seeing him lurk around eBuyer for the past few years I tell him maybe its time for us to invest in something he can really get use out of and enjoy as much as I enjoy my TV:




The tower is a BEAST. I am 4ft 8 and Im not kidding its half the height of me. He took great pleasure in building it and the tower is so cool its like air conditioning for our bedroom!

Now he'll have less time for you and more time with that tower, lol! Congratz!
haha wow you're a great gf :) making money AND getting your bf awesome gifts

keep up the good work OP!
Now he'll have less time for you and more time with that tower, lol! Congratz!

I pretty much said " I'm going downstairs while you build it. See you in 6 months or so..." lol. Its been a great use for me though as he hooks up the HDMI cable to the TV and uses it as a secondary monitor to stream 2kmovies for me as he plays WoW / Minecraft. Everyone's happy!

haha wow you're a great gf :) making money AND getting your bf awesome gifts

keep up the good work OP!

Ack the least I can do. He supports me through so much career-wise so giving a little something back feels nice!
What a GF!!
I thank you, good sir.

You achieved IM success and spent it wisely, on those closest to you.
Family is one of the more important things in life - you got your bf an awesome gift!

I wish you future success, there'll be more where these gadgets came from :)
Keep it up!
wow! would love to have one of those. :) congrats buddy!
That's really cool. Your boyfriend must be extremely happy! Lucky..

I noticed the Christmas light at the back. Still on holiday? :) Nice..