Free SEOLinkvine Submission


Regular Member
Oct 27, 2010
Reaction score
hi guys

just wanted to build some rep:D

send me your article (spun or unspun) and i will submit it in seolinkvine for you

i will spin it for you if it is not spun, and you can have 3 links in each article (in body links, not resource box)

it does not have to be original, PLR is fine

a screenshot will be provided

so, send your article to seonumber9 [at] gmail [dot] com together with your username (1 article per user only)

PLEASE send it as an attachment, not just the article inside the email, that will be easier for me

i have no limit right now, i will stop doing this whenever i feel like, so send me your article now:D

Hey Guys!! you don't need to PM me, i'm doing this for everyone!! send your article to my email, that's it
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How are you finding SEolinkvine? - I used it in the past but found that after about 3 months all my articles started ending up on the same Blogs.

I then migrated everything accross to Myarticlenetwork and fresh blogs really made a difference.

Thats now got a bit stale so I'm giving Linkvana a go. 100 word posts are much easier to write, although they won't accept spun content. I've only been with them a week and have already seen a few posts go to PR3 sites, so you definately get what you pay for.
How are you finding SEolinkvine? - I used it in the past but found that after about 3 months all my articles started ending up on the same Blogs.

I then migrated everything accross to Myarticlenetwork and fresh blogs really made a difference.

Thats now got a bit stale so I'm giving Linkvana a go. 100 word posts are much easier to write, although they won't accept spun content. I've only been with them a week and have already seen a few posts go to PR3 sites, so you definately get what you pay for.

well, honestly, if you search on the internet, you will see a lot of negative review on MAN as well

i never blindly believe in what people say (no offence), but i'm just sticking with what work for me
sent you email nice offer thanks
wow quickly delivered many thanks SEO.9 rep & 5 stars given to thread
What a great offer, just sent you an email!

and moments later!! TaDa!

Thanks, that was quick!

Super Quick
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Thanks! I sent the article just under an hour ago and already received the screenshot.

Appreciate it!
Emailed you.Thanks a lot for this free service.
I will be also curios to see wht linkwine does.It it is good i am even planning to buy the service in linkwine.
hey guys

will process your article tomorrow, going to sleep now
How many words does the article need to be?

I will email it to you tomorrow...

Thanks for your giving to the community...

Thanks a million

Have a blessed one and

Merry Christmas!
Does linkvine allow unlimited article submissions? Have you had good results with competetive terms?

I tried Linkvana and actually found it to be quite uneffective.
Email sent :) If you need any more details feel free to ask, will give rep after you have done this...